My duck has prolapsed his penis!!

I had this happen last year with my Cayuga drake when he first went into full blown sex drive and my vet said to keep him clean and separated from girls. If it started to die off, he could snip it. I kept him separated for 30 days with a super clean kiddy pool and after a few weeks his muscle started to heal and he started to slowly inch his penis back inside. He healed 100% without complications and is fine now.
That's encouraging Ian, I hope the same will happen with Bubble but the vet did say the end was pretty damaged already. I'll just have to wait and see. I had a tortoise who went "blind". His eyes had looked worse and worse until they completely closed. The vet took a close look under his eye lids and she said the eyes were "gone". She told me she thought the eye balls should be removed. 18 months later and he has full vision again.
That's encouraging Ian, I hope the same will happen with Bubble but the vet did say the end was pretty damaged already. I'll just have to wait and see. I had a tortoise who went "blind". His eyes had looked worse and worse until they completely closed. The vet took a close look under his eye lids and she said the eyes were "gone". She told me she thought the eye balls should be removed. 18 months later and he has full vision again.
This sounds like a very expensive thing to have to do. With my Calls that have prolapsed, I give them .25cc injectable Baytril to the chest muscle for at least three days prior to the surgery, then clean them up with surgical scrub (Nolvasan skin and wound cleanser), spray the area with Dermoplast and snip them just above the dead area. I then spray it again with the Dermoplast and daub it with blood stop powder. There is usually only a drop or two of blood. I then continue with the Baytril for at least another 4 days and keep them separate in a porti-kennel inside for a couple of weeks. I keep them away from females for the rest of the breeding season, but have had a couple go back with females who did not re-injure themselves the following year.

Not sure how this would play out with larger ducks or what the dosage of antibotic would be, but this has worked fine for me. I've blown too much money to no good effect with avian vets, not just on ducks but on my parrots too, so I've had to take matters into my own hands, literally. If I thought vets were effective for my birds I'd be more willing to go that route but I feel like they have run me through the mill and I've either still had nothing left to show for it or the situation has had to resolve itself...or not. So sorry if this sounds bitter or hard-booted, but I've lost faith in vets where my birds are concerned.

I am also wondering, from my experience with horses, if this castration will be effective to prevent the behavior you describe. I can tell you for certain that with an older stud, there are many times where it does not, because it becomes more an issue of learned behavior vs. a testosterone issue, which is why many breeding farms keep their geldings separate from their mares...geldings can and will still breed mares in many cases even though they are castrated. Many people think they must have been castrated incorrectly but this is simply not true. I had a "stag" who was gelded at 9 after being used as a breeding stallion, and he knew very well what to do for the rest of his life! There were times when I had to treat him and handle him like an intact stallion.
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That's encouraging Ian, I hope the same will happen with Bubble but the vet did say the end was pretty damaged already. I'll just have to wait and see. I had a tortoise who went "blind". His eyes had looked worse and worse until they completely closed. The vet took a close look under his eye lids and she said the eyes were "gone". She told me she thought the eye balls should be removed. 18 months later and he has full vision again.
Did you give any kind of treatment? I bought a Call that was DQ'd as blind at a show because her one eye was fogged over, but I treated her with Tylan when I suspected a sinus infection and the eye cleared up, giving her back vision in that eye. So it obviously wasn't a cataract or long-standing mechanical injury.
rabbit, we were lucky to catch it on the first day. Cool story about your tortoise, and I hope your drake can recover, too!

duckluck, impressive signature line!
Thanks for info Duckluck. I too have limited faith in vets. Great respect, but not sure they all know everything they need to know. That in itself is fine but they could accept they don't "know it all".
A "tortoise expert" said to me "Oh, what a lovely little Horsefield" when in fact he is a Hermaans!
I personally don't know enough yet to treat my babies myself. I can go so far but when it comes to medication, I wouldn't be confident.
I did wash my tortoise's eyes with warm salt water! I also dropped a couple of human eye drops in his eyes and got severely reprimanded for it, lol
Hi Miss Lydia, Bubble is fine thanks. He seems very confused about why he's been banished to my son's bathroom! I've given him lots of fresh dry hay, a couple of bath towels plus his food and water. I have been giving him a quick bath each evening as he is trying so hard to keep clean, bless him. He has an appointment at the vets on Tuesday so it will be interesting to see how he is then. Thanks for asking

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