My duck is missing.


9 Years
May 21, 2010
I woke up this morning to find that one of my Pekin ducks was gone. They always stay close to me and close to each other, they never go far. Only a few feathers were left behind no blood or body. Any ideas what could just take it away with out leaving much of a trace? Needless to say after a chicken went missing afew days ago... IT IS ON. Game camera is up and on also will be setting a live trap tonight.
Coyotes, fox, bobcats are snatch and run predators that frequently leave little evidence of the attack. Good luck at resolving this situation. As you are well aware, the predator will return.
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I am too aware. I hope I catch it. I know we have all of those predators around here. My dogs usually keep them away.
Almost all predators are hunting full time right now because they are feeding/teaching partially grown young.
After setting traps, nothing now 1 more is gone. I taked to the neighbor with a farm down the road who says they always see coyote. They have also had problems with them and they never go in the traps. Sad for my ducks. Just wanted to vent. Seems like what ever it is comes back every other night. Might be time to pull an all nighter to get it.

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