My Duck Is Stuck In The Chimney!* Happily reunited with the flock =) *

I am so glad you got her out. I bet she is a happy little duck. Looks like you are getting all sorts of good advice, so sounds like she will do okay. I imagine a little rest and lots of liquids.
I didnt see this until earlier today- and have only now had a chance to read through it all. Im almost glad I didnt see it before I could read she was out safe first...

Goat_Walker I am so glad you managed to get her out safely, you must have been in a panic for worrying about her. Im sure she is feeling very poorly from her ordeal. After being cleaned up and her scrapes and cuts treated - rest food and warmth is important for her recovery. If she isnt allowed to stay inside long enough to recover completely- can you keep her in an enclosed area with another duck for company ?
SHe made it through the night . SHe is a little shaky but drinking fine, im not sure if she has even touched her food dish though. I plan on letting her out of the carrier a little today to see how her balance and motor skills are. and give her a chance to flap her wings if she wants. But man is sooty muscovy poop stinky!

We use dawn alot so ill see if we have enough for a scovie bath. What about her drinking the water with soap suds in it???

SHe is not very friendly ( hasnt been since she turned 3 months old ) so when i do take her out she acts like she is ready to take off ( lowering of body, slight scrunching of neck, wings very slightly opened) so a bath with my assistance is going to be very...interesting. Im a little worried about stressing the poor girl out.

Thank you again everyone for all your good thoughts and wishes! She and I both appriciate the support
I'll try to get pictures up today or tomorrow if my camera decided it wants to behave
This is the second incident you have had with wayward flying scovies. PLEASE clip their wings. PLEASE??

Now that my nagging is done, I am so glad your girl made it through the night. The drinking is a good sign. Hopefully that will lead to eating later in the day.
Why i no longer clip wings unless absolutely necessary :

All my scovies free range, night and day. I can lock them up if i want but with three geese as constant companions and plenty of ponds around for escape i do not unless its super bad weather or someone is injured.

We have three packs of coyotes, wild neighborhood dogs, bobcats, fox, and raccoons. If i clip their wings i will be constantly worried about their self sufficiency at escaping from predators.

Besides, id lose the joy of watching everyone fly home as fast as they can everytime i whistle.

I do appriciate the concern , i really do
Ive clipped wings before, but it didnt really work to benifit my gals
I used Dawn years ago when I was a wildlife rehabillitator to get oil off of ducks and geese that had gotten into a slick, and it was used to great effect during this recent BP oil spill. In fact, the company sent a whole tanker truck of it free to the gulf to help the wildlife, or so I had heard. You'll have to keep her from drinking and playing in it while you bathe might just have to apply the soap to her directly, then add water to it and dilute it as you lather and wash it off. I'd worry less about her drinking it right now and more about getting the crud off her skin and feathers where she surely can eat it if she tries to preen...there can be residues and stuff in the chimney from when you burn fuel that I would worry about being more harmful to her. As for your mother, sorry, but this animal has been through an ordeal and she's going to have to get over it. Having been through a house burning down myself (and NOT because something was stuck in our chimney!) right now she should be thankful she has a house for that duck to be stinking up, and not worry about the me, a house burning to the ground smells a lot worse than any duck is going to, and it ruins a LOT more of your possessions! AND a lot more of your year!

Out of curiosity, weren't you due to be going into the service? I am surprised by this post, because I thought you had signed on with the military and had to rehome your ducks?
Thanks for the link, Katharinad! Donations can be activated by looking at bottles of soap people might already have on hand too, so everyone should check out the Dawn link...each bottle of soap you have could generate a donation from the company to help wildlife!

Has anyone actually seen the pictured bottle of the link (with the ducks on it) in the store? I want one of those!
I would love one of those bottles too! really cool, about bath time if your putting her into the bath tub just keep the door closed and keep her in the tub by blocking her from getting out. most likely she'll probably enjoy a good soak after her experience. And hopefully will still be too weak to fight much:hugs
I found a message board where a lady said she bought the "Ducky Dawn" at Target in May of this year-of course that was in the midst of the big BP oil spill so I don't know if they are still available.
I want one as well-just to sit by my sink.

I also found a number people can call on the FAQ section of the site in case their numbers are illegible on the bottle...then the donation can still happen.

I hope more people see this and they can help bump the donations up to the $1 mil. limit! They're at over $500,00 now! Hop aboard, everybody, and help some ducks! It doesn't cost anything to do!

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