my duckling ate something she wasn't supposed to!


May 9, 2015
My pekin duckling is about 3 weeks old and we always keep things picked up in the yard but she got her beak on a deflated little water balloon! Before I could take it out of her mouth she swallowed it :( my heart dropped I am so worried about her. I gave her extra food and water and some romaine lettuce to try and help it pass but it's been about 30 minutes and it hasn't come out yet. Has anyone else ever had this problem? If so what did you do? And what happened? I will cry forever if my baby dies, please help me out with any experience, advice, or just anything to help soothe my nerves
It may pass - we don't know yet. Has she been getting grit? Sounds like she is outside some already and may already be eating soil and sand. If that is the case, she may well be able to "chew" it. I would make sure she gets a little chick grit, just a tiny bit, to be sure she can "chew."

Has she passed anything at all? Normal poop?
It may pass - we don't know yet.  Has she been getting grit?  Sounds like she is outside some already and may already be eating soil and sand.  If that is the case, she may well be able to "chew" it.  I would make sure she gets a little chick grit, just a tiny bit, to be sure she can "chew."

Has she passed anything at all?  Normal poop?
she does eat soil and sand and we have lots of it haha, I do not have grit but will go buy some now, she has pooped a few times and it is normal a little dark but that's how she poops when she's been grazing outside . When you say chew do you mean like eating? She ate her normal amount of food and some of a romaine lettuce heart and has been drinking water too seems completely normal I'm just still so worried
she does eat soil and sand and we have lots of it haha, I do not have grit but will go buy some now, she has pooped a few times and it is normal a little dark but that's how she poops when she's been grazing outside . When you say chew do you mean like eating? She ate her normal amount of food and some of a romaine lettuce heart and has been drinking water too seems completely normal I'm just still so worried
Oddly enough this same exact thing happened to one of my Perkins about 5 days ago. I freaked out! I ran towards her to grab it out of her mouth but she swallowed before I could get to her. It was only a small part of a popped water balloon but I was so worried. I had just told my 6 year old to make sure to pick the broken ones up too... I am happy to report she is okay. I am assuming if something was going to happen it would have been within the first day or two... Hope this helps ease your worries.
I can appreciate your feeling. When I write "chew" I mean how they have something similar to a crop, with grit in it, that tears up what they swallow.

Einz swallowed some thin plastic trash left over from construction (I fine tooth combed the yard, but, doggone it, there were still some bits of plastic around). I was quite nervous for a day or two.
Oddly enough this same exact thing happened to one of my Perkins about 5 days ago. I freaked out! I ran towards her to grab it out of her mouth but she swallowed before I could get to her. It was only a small part of a popped water balloon but I was so worried. I had just told my 6 year old to make sure to pick the broken ones up too... I am happy to report she is okay. I am assuming if something was going to happen it would have been within the first day or two... Hope this helps ease your worries.
it really does ease my worries thank you so much, I had just got done telling my 7 year old the same **** thing too haha I'm not sure how big it was but just like you said as I was running (which felt like I was slow motion) it slurrped it down. I'm so glad your duck is ok keep me updated if you find any balloon in its poop kinda give me a feeling of how long to expect it to pass through my baby.
I can appreciate your feeling.  When I write "chew" I mean how they have something similar to a crop, with grit in it, that tears up what they swallow.

Einz swallowed some thin plastic trash left over from construction (I fine tooth combed the yard, but, doggone it, there were still some bits of plastic around).  I was quite nervous for a day or two.
ok I get what chew means now haha thank you :) it's so crazy because I know ducks in the wild probably eat stuff they shouldn't and I assume they are fine because I've never seen any dead ducks ever but oh my we comb our yard daily too and I guess it just takes a second of not paying attention and bam she seems ok it still hasn't passed but she is pooping regularly and is in her playpen right now I will keep y'all updated if anything changes
Yes, please keep us updated! I haven't noticed it in her poop but then again I have two in the same pen and there is a lot of poop by morning. The piece of balloon swallowed just happened to be green. So honestly I'm not sure if it passed... Hoping all goes well with your little duckling.

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