My ducklings run the opposite way


5 Years
Apr 27, 2019
I’ve seen lots of videos and photos of people holding their ducklings, hand feeding them, walking around with their ducklings just following right along. I’m so jealous. My 4 week old ducklings run in the opposite direction like I’m the scariest thing they’ve ever seen. Ever since we got them, when they were just a few days old, I’ve tried to pet them, pick them up to hold them, and just spent time hanging out around them so that they will get used to me.....but nothing gives. As long as I keep my distance they’re fine, but as soon as I get within a few feet away of them, they dart and run towards the furthest corner they can find. When I pick them up, they squeal and fidget and carry on and yell for the other. What am I doing wrong? I just want them to like me. Can we be friends?!? LOL
Welcome to BYC. Are you approaching them from above ? Poultry are programmed to fear being grabbed from above because as prey animals many of their attacks come from the air. Can you access their brooder on their level or from the side. Forcing them to be held only reinforces this fear. Use feed/treats to entice them to come to you.
This was taken today.
I had the same problem with my 4 week old Anconas and 5 week old Welsh harlequin x khaki Campbell. Yesterday was the first day that they finally figured out that I was their friend and started following me around rather than running from me. I let them "free range" most of the day with our 6 week old ducklings since it was in the 80's all day. By free range I mean I had them in a 20 x 20 blocked off area of the yard. For most of the day they were having to sneak over to the food because they are still kinda spooked by the big kids. Everytime the others would come around to investigate them they would take off running, so they didn't get as much to eat as they normally would. By evening time, when I went to put everyone up for the night, I brought out a handful of food. It took a while for them to approach me, but once they realized I had food they came running. I fed them and stayed close by as they ate. After that, they followed me everywhere. This morning when I went out to feed them, they were more than happy to see me.
I don't have answers for you really but I thought maybe it would help to know that you are not alone. Mine are the exact same way. We got them into their bigger duck house outside and working on getting netting over their run so they can be outside outside more. I'm hoping that if I spend some time out there with them once that happens where maybe they won't feel so trapped that they will be willing to get to know me:fl. Best of luck with your ducklings. I'm sure someone will have some great answers and advice for you soon.
What breed of ducklings do you have? Some breeds are calmer than others. My mallards especially love attention and have since hatch day! (Though I spent literally hours a day holding them as ducklings, that could have something to do with it:lau)
Pretty sure they are Rouens because they have two lines on there face, as Mallards only have one, but not 100% sure.
Hmm, I’ve heard rouens are generally pretty calm. It could just be their stubborn “teenage stage” I’m sure they’ll come around.
I might be able to help tell if they’re rouens if I see a pic:) also, if they were mallards and were bought at a store/hatchery, they should have their right hind toenail docked.

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