My Ducklings


7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
del valle, tx
I was just wondering, one of my ducklings tail is growing in much quicker then the other. Could this mean one is a male and one is a female? If so how do ducks do with breeding brother and sister? I got them from tractor supply and Idk if they are related, but they are the same age and bought at the same time, so i suppose they are related..


Aw, such pretty babies! :)
I had two that did that. One was much larger than the other, so you'd think he was older, but he was always a week or so behind the smaller one in feathering out. They ended up both being boys, by the way.
I wouldn't assume since you got them at TSC and they're the same age (or appear to be) that they are brother and sister. It's possible..but they get like 100 ducklings at a time..and there is no way they're from the same mother..and maybe since one is growing a bit faster he is like a day older than the others. That being said, it's possible that they could be brother and sister, unlikely but possible. Unrelated breeding is always better..I don't usually buy related pairs..or incubate eggs that could be from a related pair.
It could be that one duckling is slightly older than the other or it could just be that one is growing a little faster. As to being brother and sister, I highly doubt it because they're two distinct breeds.
Are they the same breed? What breed are they? I don't think I've ever seen ducklings like that before. They are very pretty, one reminds me of a Swedish duck.

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