My ducks are suddenly mean to each other


10 Years
Jun 10, 2013
So, back story. Last year I hatched a duck and a chick. Raised them together and they became best friends. I got the duck(named Mr. Duck) two more friends once he was old. They were supposed to be female. They then both grew curly tails.

A couple weeks ago, my Mr. Duck started attacking Wyatt and pulling out feathers. I put Mr. Duck and his chicken friend in the chicken coop.

I put the two together, they both attack each other. Wyatt is huge compared to Mr. Duck and I’m worried they will hurt each other. They do not bother the other duck, Holliday.

I now think Wyatt could be a girl.

What is their problem? What can I do about it?
Can you get a good pic of your ducks so we can agree if you have a female in the group? I don't think your drake and duck would fight though Then you have the issue of drakes wanting to mate with your chicken if it is a hen that will be a death sentence for the hen. Drakes and chicken hens are not compatible in the mating dept.
Sometimes, if you add one set of ducks to anothers "territory" they will attack them....but if you move 2 groups to a new place for everyone it works out better, usually... they may work it out in a week or so... or you could have a "killer" sometimes you get a drake that will kill another drake. Drakes alone with not females are usually ok, but add females and you may get some serious fighting or they may live together with favorites...
I'm a bit confused. :idunno
You think you have Three Drakes and one Chicken?
Drakes when sexually mature get hormonal and can be aggressive when protecting a flock mate they want for themselves. Separate the aggressive Duck for awhile.

If those male ducks are males, if they mate with your hens they can actually kill them. Roosters don't have any external sexual reproductive organs, unlike ducks... which have corkscrew shaped ones.

The mean one, Wyatt, is on the right.

The chicken that lived with the ducks is now in the chicken coop with Mr. Duck.

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