My ducks first spring!

I think the reason is becuase of their poop. People leave their dogs poop in parks and places and why don't people want to gas dogs? Fish poop in lakes just like geese and why don't people want to rid of the fish!! Why kill something if it's doing it's natural behavior.
Yeah, I can see why they would want to get rid of the poo but that is cruel. It is like they don't think that geese are living, breathing, creatures. Is making animals suffer really worth a cleaner lake???
I think the reason is becuase of their poop. People leave their dogs poop in parks and places and why don't people want to gas dogs? Fish poop in lakes just like geese and why don't people want to rid of the fish!! Why kill something if it's doing it's natural behavior.

That EXACTLY what Mom said she thinks the reason for this stupidity is....
Its not like they are gonna use the meat for anything either!! They can at least butcher them and feed starving people, but no! They are gonna GAS them and make it unfit for anyone to even eat, which is WASTEFUL. Not even mentioning how cruel gassing is......

People are dumb. Little potato heads....
Yeah, I can see why they would want to get rid of the poo but that is cruel. It is like they don't think that geese are living, breathing, creatures. Is making animals suffer really worth a cleaner lake???
I went to a camp In January. There was a big lake, with geese, and a soccer field. Well, the geese went and pooped all over the soccer field and EVERYONE was COMPLAINING...
Except me. Id MUCH rather go watch geese (and I did :D) than play soccer. Besides, its not like its a wrestling field....youre not ROLLING in the poop, just stepping on it. That is why shoes were invented....
That EXACTLY what Mom said she thinks the reason for this stupidity is....
Its not like they are gonna use the meat for anything either!! They can at least butcher them and feed starving people, but no! They are gonna GAS them and make it unfit for anyone to even eat, which is WASTEFUL. Not even mentioning how cruel gassing is......

People are dumb. Little potato heads....

We shouldn't really mess with nature. We have predators to keep certain animal populations down, and if you take away a food source for that animal it might have a hard time finding food or even die. Then that's a problem. Let nature be nature; there really isn't a need to intervene. You're right; there are people that could eat the meat.

It just makes me so mad that people actually do stuff like this!

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