MY DUCKS KILLED 2 MOURNING DOVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 9, 2012
OMG! can someone tell me thats normal because its not they are 3 months old and i guess when the doves come in therir run they kill them and eat their body or put them in their water dead
OMG! can someone tell me thats normal because its not they are 3 months old and i guess when the doves come in therir run they kill them and eat their body or put them in their water dead
I imagine it could happen at 3 months they are pretty big, What breed? I have seen mine chase down a large frog and eat it and also snakes, probably mice too.
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they are a indian runner and a kahki campbell . last night i found a baby birl flapping around in there and my campbell trying to peck him and i was thinking a cat got him and then i seen a pair of wings in their water and freaked out! now this morning i whole dead bird was in their dish!!!!
That's extremely odd because I see many smaller birds and ducks coexisting perfectly fine. I would think the doves would just fly off if the ducks went after them. Did you see the ducks attacking the birds to the point of killing them? Could the cat be bringing the birds into their pen while still alive and then the ducks playing with them?
wow! we have sparrows that fly in and about and my Muscovy have never even so much as cared.. they did try to go after a wild bunny that attempted to come in the one fenced area though.. that surprised me as they ignore our dogs and our barn cats!
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wow! we have sparrows that fly in and about and my Muscovy have never even so much as cared.. they did try to go after a wild bunny that attempted to come in the one fenced area though.. that surprised me as they ignore our dogs and our barn cats!

That bunny was trespassing.
We had a young possum living under the duck house one winter and it would come out during the day and eat the duck food with all the ducks and goose laying around watching. It was strange that they didn't seem to care.
That bunny was trespassing.
We had a young possum living under the duck house one winter and it would come out during the day and eat the duck food with all the ducks and goose laying around watching. It was strange that they didn't seem to care.

LOL.. the strange part is this penned area is left open and was at this time to(that's how it got in hopped in the door) kinda glad i was there i would have hated for them to have hurt it.. funny though the cats noise in the barn and the run.. they just don't care... guess the bunny was evil
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