my ducks lay in the mud


12 Years
Apr 15, 2007
Creedmoor, NC
Any hints on how to get my ducks to lay in a box? What
is the best design for duck nestboxes? Right now they just seem to
leave dirty eggs randomly all over the yard. Less than ideal.

So far I have tried a milk crate on its side with hay, but they just pulled out and ate/trampled the hay. Currently I have a litterbox hood on the ground with shavings and golf balls inside. They are afraid of it.
I have learned not to fight it. Ducks do the "squat and plop" as far as egg laying goes. I did have some luck putting grass hay in a large dog kennel. They like to arrange the grass into a nest. But then they get a whim in their little heads and off to the mud they go.
i was afraid of that. *sigh*

you sure there's not a magic word i can say over them?
well, you'd never guess it. But no sooner do I post here, but my ducks all 3 laid in the box... unfortunately, they then knocked over the box and STILL trampled everything into the mud. LOL!
Yeah, I went out this morning and they all laid in the dog kennels with straw in them that I put out a few days ago and that they had been ignoring until I posted. Just like a duck to make a liar out of you.
I have given up and just collect them in the mud, too. A couple lay nicely in a nest and a couple simply don't. Don't fight it. Let the ducks win on this one.
Hi, i know this thread is from a long long time ago, but hoping i will still get a response. my ducks go to sleep in a caged in area to protect them from feral and native cats, and as it is winter, it is very muddy in there, and ducks being as filthy as they are, not much hope of asking them politely to poo after i let them out. they have just begun laying again, and the eggs each day are filthy, muddy and very wet.
my question is, what is the best way to clean wet filthy muddy eggs? i've been doing some reading, and it sounds like washing them in water that is warmer than the egg itself is the best practice, is this true?
thanks in advance.
What I do is pull out the messy stuff and replace it with clean. Much easier than trying to clean the eggs. Much, much easier. You might even want to put in some kind of sturdy flooring, or stall mats. Even sawdust with shavings or chopped straw over it. The cleaned out bedding is superb for the compost, or placed around the base of trees and bushes.

This will also greatly reduce the risk of bumblefoot, IMO.
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