My Ducks need help

lol I had to get them pink covers when I bandaged up there feet.. fruit loop didnt really like the pink he started tairing at it as soon as I put him down to play but they are now usto it. I will post pictures of them as they get better. I hope the stuff I got for them works if not im taking them to a vet dont really know what else to do. I cant see them hurting and not many people know what is causing it.
Can you get chopped straw bedding? Is there any chance you have fire ants or other stinging insects? I would give them baths daily, two if you can. They need food and water 24/7 for the first 8 to 10 weeks.

What brand ointment are you using? I would bring the bleeding one into his own little shelter with old sheets or towels as bedding.

Can you call the agricultural college in your state and talk to a professor who knows about waterfowl?
I havnt thought about talking to a professor not really even sure where to go for that I will look I never thought of fire ants I havnt seen any but I also wasnt looking for them.. never crossed my mind. I just got hay for bedding I hope that works better then wood shavings.

Im using tripple anit biotic I didnt spell that right but its like A&D for animals I guess its what blue seal told me to get.

I did contact a vet not from my town but I dont care as along as I can find out whats wrong.I cant see an animal hurting like that i thought about contacting game warden and asking them about it im sure they have to know something on it right? or even a place to bring them to get looked at
I havnt thought about talking to a professor not really even sure where to go for that I will look I never thought of fire ants I havnt seen any but I also wasnt looking for them.. never crossed my mind. I just got hay for bedding I hope that works better then wood shavings.

Im using tripple anit biotic I didnt spell that right but its like A&D for animals I guess its what blue seal told me to get.

I did contact a vet not from my town but I dont care as along as I can find out whats wrong.I cant see an animal hurting like that i thought about contacting game warden and asking them about it im sure they have to know something on it right? or even a place to bring them to get looked at
you say they are on sand? reason I am asking is I was born in Florida and we went to the beach a lot, our dogs would love to run on the beach sand but it would cause their feet to look a lot like your ducklings feet, I'd have to bath them then put antibiotic salve on their feet too. Could the sand be causing this being they are young and their feet are tender, .Alot of folks on here use straw and hay as bedding, so as long as they don't try to eat it should be fine.
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I hope its just something thats going to go away in a few days and its nothing to bad.
I was gone for a week and asked someone to watch my animals for the time I was gone was told when I got back that they would rather watch my animals die then get off there buts and take care of something that isnt there's that they are getting payed for.

I pretty much told them if they agree to watch them they should take care of them like kids. and if my animals go with out food so will they.

its sad that a living animal gets treated so badly when all they want is attention and alittle love. if I had it my way my ducks would wear diapers and walk around my house but because we live with other family members they stay on the pourch until they are big enough to stand the cold out side and stay in there bigger pin... its heated and vented so there is no smell and they arnt to cold...

I keep peanut away from the other ducks she gets picked on bad they rip out her little baby feathers and push her around she is the runt she stick's close to fruit-loop witch by they way I didnt name a 5 year old did lol

I wrote the waterflow game warden and I hope to hear from a responce back soon. it dosnt hurt to have more then one oppion and if they can come out and tell me what Im doing wrong first hand then it would be alot better and it would be one thing to keep in mind for the next time I get ducks.. witch might not be anytime soon.
I hope its just something thats going to go away in a few days and its nothing to bad.
I was gone for a week and asked someone to watch my animals for the time I was gone was told when I got back that they would rather watch my animals die then get off there buts and take care of something that isnt there's that they are getting payed for.

I pretty much told them if they agree to watch them they should take care of them like kids. and if my animals go with out food so will they.

its sad that a living animal gets treated so badly when all they want is attention and alittle love. if I had it my way my ducks would wear diapers and walk around my house but because we live with other family members they stay on the pourch until they are big enough to stand the cold out side and stay in there bigger pin... its heated and vented so there is no smell and they arnt to cold...

I keep peanut away from the other ducks she gets picked on bad they rip out her little baby feathers and push her around she is the runt she stick's close to fruit-loop witch by they way I didnt name a 5 year old did lol

I wrote the waterflow game warden and I hope to hear from a responce back soon. it dosnt hurt to have more then one oppion and if they can come out and tell me what Im doing wrong first hand then it would be alot better and it would be one thing to keep in mind for the next time I get ducks.. witch might not be anytime soon.
are you in the US? and they do need to have food and water 24/7 and I agree if we pay someone to take care of our animals no matter what species they should do the job or not get paid. you didn't say if they are running on sand either.
I'm going to jump in and say wow, you've definitely got something going on there. I've never seen anything like that. Did you inspect the area for ants or other biting insects? I think I would try the Epsom salt soaks, then your antibiotic, then the wrap. But don't allow your ducklings to drink the Epsom Salt water. Have you given them vitamins in their water? I think I would, should help make them stronger. I sure hope you find out what's going on soon!!! Did you look for an Agricultual Academic Contact? I would just google "(insert your state) + Agriculture Professor". For example, here in Michigan, the Agricultural College is MSU. Another thing you can do is just call around and ask. Some Veterinarians do not treat Avians (birds) at all, so it just never hurts to ask questions! I'm sorry that I don't have any better info to offer you, but I really really really hope you are able to find some answers soon.
Yes I live in Maine.
sorry I got ahead of my self and jumped around again.yes they do walk on the sand every now and then but it hasnt really been to hot out today was the first day its been warm enough to go out side with out a long sleeve on. they have been mainley on grass hay and wood shavings from petco. I havnt checked for ants in the wood shavings yet but plan to as soon as its daylight. they are laying in the hay tonight. I did contact someone in game and wild life to see what they think Im sure I will hear back from them in the morning, thats the only thing that stinks about living in the middle of no where no cell reception but email works great. tomorrow im going to take fruit-loop into town and see if someone will look at them. there are only a few vets in the bangor area that will come to your house and 90% that I have talked to told me to talk to a game warden, who when I talked to him said he wanted to take my animals because they was caged he didnt believe that any animal should be caged.. witch he is right no animal should be my nearest nabor is 5 miles away my problem is bears, fox's and other wild animals...

now I know this is random but when they get there feathers will they fly away?

Thank you hollyduckfarmer for your info, the salt wont hurt them will it? can I use proxide and things like that? like the stuff we use for our selfs? I heard the sprays are bad for ducks something in the chemicals that could hurt there skin I dont want to use anything that could hurt them more
What about pesticides or herbicides being used on the lawn? Any chance of that? Even fertilizer will do this if it hasn't been there for very long. Lime for lawns will as well.

A trick I just found...the pee pads for dogs? If you can get some of those you could soak one with something for their poor little feet. Epsom salts, a mild betadine solution...something. They can't drink whatever it is you use but them walking on it will get onto their feet. Even baking soda mixed with a lot of water might help. This looks like some kind of chemical burn to me and the baking soda may neutralize it.
Yes I live in Maine.
sorry I got ahead of my self and jumped around again.yes they do walk on the sand every now and then but it hasnt really been to hot out today was the first day its been warm enough to go out side with out a long sleeve on. they have been mainley on grass hay and wood shavings from petco. I havnt checked for ants in the wood shavings yet but plan to as soon as its daylight. they are laying in the hay tonight. I did contact someone in game and wild life to see what they think Im sure I will hear back from them in the morning, thats the only thing that stinks about living in the middle of no where no cell reception but email works great. tomorrow im going to take fruit-loop into town and see if someone will look at them. there are only a few vets in the bangor area that will come to your house and 90% that I have talked to told me to talk to a game warden, who when I talked to him said he wanted to take my animals because they was caged he didnt believe that any animal should be caged.. witch he is right no animal should be my nearest nabor is 5 miles away my problem is bears, fox's and other wild animals...

now I know this is random but when they get there feathers will they fly away?

Thank you hollyduckfarmer for your info, the salt wont hurt them will it? can I use proxide and things like that? like the stuff we use for our selfs? I heard the sprays are bad for ducks something in the chemicals that could hurt there skin I dont want to use anything that could hurt them more
Don't use peroxide it damages good healthy skin. soak in the Epsom salts 2 cups to 1 gallon of warm water but don't let them drink it because it has a laxative effect. just dunk their lil legs into the salt water and let them soak for about 5-10 mins each then pat dry and put the antibiotic salve and wraps on. living in Maine I doubt very seriously you'd have fire ants out yet,.and as for that game warden what kind of a nut is he, these aren't wild animals they are domesticated ducks that need safe housing and protection from those predators you just mentioned. good grief. No your ducks won't fly away unless call ducks Mallards or Muscovy they can fly.

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