My eggs are chirping

Some bantams hatch at around day 19, but that varies with conditions: humidity, temps, breeds, etc. You usually hear chirping by day 20, but not always in my experience. Some chicks only begin chirping a few hours before they hatch - at least for me.
I would not worry until day 23 or so because even eggs that are set at the same time sometimes take longer due to various reasons (different positions in the incubator where it was a little colder, or hotter, etc.,) This even happens in eggs set under a broody hen. You could candle a few if they don't hatch in another day or at least show signs of it, and see what you find. When I do this I always add a warm, wet handcloth to keep humidity up in the incubator.
Good luck to you both! It is both exciting and nerve-racking, especially the first few times when it is all so new. After almost ten years I still get this way with new breeds that I haven't hatched before.

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