My eggs are piping and I'm not sure if I should help or not.

Don't worry! Hatching takes its good sweet time. Mine always take aaages to hatch, 24 hours from first pip. Remember there is so much happening inside the egg at this stage, even though it looks like nothing is going on outside.
so two of them hatched today and I don't know their breed.
It looks kind of like the chick may be malpositoned. I'm no expert at this kind of stuff, but I'm positive that is not good. I hope someone with more knowledge will help you out. Sorry
The chick inside is still moving around and and chirping so I am not really sure of what is actually happening.
The other eggs pipped on that side also, which is not the air cell, and came out just fine
So all your eggs are pipping on the wrong end? Can you candle one or something to show us where they're pipping at? As long as you're ok with taking the egg out of the bator long enough to candle and get a pic. I'm very confused right now...
If mine get that far and stop I break them out.If I leave them over night they are always dead.A while back when I was too sick to get out of bed,i could hear them just a chirping.They usually hatch while I'm up and I watch them.This time I thought I would see them running around next morning,but all three were dead some had broken shell all the away around,but membrane dried up or was too tuff and they couldn't break thru.I usually help about 3 out of 7.It may be my little $ 44. LITTLE GIANT.There are some good videos on line showing how to help them out if needed.You have to be careful and not pull shell off back end and pull cord out.They die at once.I leave cord attacked to smaller chunk of shell and it will fall off later.I have a gennis 1588 loaded for 2nd time,ist load power went out night before hatch.This incubator has better humidiny control And I hope it works better.Most all of these chicks were helped out.The bottom 2 were also.the yellow one was full grown and too big to get out Ive also helped a lot of quail.Like the chickens,if I left them overnight they would also be dead.It again might be my cheap incubator.Some hatch all the way out when you walk out a minute.
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