My Emus are pooping green?


Mar 2, 2020
So I'm not new to emus but maybe I guess I'm new to them again I just got some few weeks ago and I don't remember my other ones pooping green. I just noticed it today. Any reason for concern? Thanks
So I'm not new to emus but maybe I guess I'm new to them again I just got some few weeks ago and I don't remember my other ones pooping green. I just noticed it today. Any reason for concern? Thanks
I'm sure I'll get a lot of questions about what I'm feeding them also and at the moment they're eating layer feed and corn and they are in a large pen but to early for much green grass
So I'm not new to emus but maybe I guess I'm new to them again I just got some few weeks ago and I don't remember my other ones pooping green. I just noticed it today. Any reason for concern? Thanks
Hi not to worry, most likely it's some greens like spinach or similar, mix lettuce, apples, leek, kale, green beans, carrots and boiled eggs or any other veggies all very finely chopped, great for lunch, my 13 y olds still have all this, but not chopped lol chick weed they are mad about, so grow loads of them now. Good luck.

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