This is my fav pudding. As I sit down with a bowl now I figure I should share it. It's easy peasy to make for anyone who is cooking challenged as it uses instant pudding.... Go make some, it's yummy in my tummy!
Jenna's Puddin' Suprise
2 boxes instant vanilla pudding
2 cups cool whip any kind
1 can of mandarin oranges drained
2 bananas, sliced.
Make the two boxes pudding, usually it's 2 cups of milk per box. Let sit for a couple of minutes to start to firm up. Add in slices bananas, oranges, and cool whip. Mix well but don't beat, you'll break the fruit! It should be a light cream color with the occasional visible white swirl of cool whip. Pour into dessert cups or just leave it in the bowl and refridgerate for at least an hour.
Eat it all up (try to share!) and enjoy the smoothness running down your throat
You can cut the recipe in half if two boxes is too much.
I have also done this and mixed in some mini mashmellows, either plain or the rainbow ones...
Jenna's Puddin' Suprise
2 boxes instant vanilla pudding
2 cups cool whip any kind
1 can of mandarin oranges drained
2 bananas, sliced.
Make the two boxes pudding, usually it's 2 cups of milk per box. Let sit for a couple of minutes to start to firm up. Add in slices bananas, oranges, and cool whip. Mix well but don't beat, you'll break the fruit! It should be a light cream color with the occasional visible white swirl of cool whip. Pour into dessert cups or just leave it in the bowl and refridgerate for at least an hour.
Eat it all up (try to share!) and enjoy the smoothness running down your throat

I have also done this and mixed in some mini mashmellows, either plain or the rainbow ones...
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