My feral Chickens and Rooster

Dayna Robertson

In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 5, 2012
I've got some feral chickens that I had trapped in another town and re homed on my property. There are three hens and one rooster.

They are so cute! They come begging for food and while are scared of me, they stick around my three acres.




And here is me with my big red chicken!


I'm going to get some better photos, my rooster has grown a lot.
Awesome chickens, do you get any eggs from them?

They look like they are Old English Game Bantams.
Those are definetly not OEG's. The legs are waaay to long. I'm thinking Mondern Game crossbreds, but she said they were wild, so who knows?
They certainly are beautiful! Well done on catching them. How did you manage it?
As soon as you said that I noticed, but the coloration is the exact same as my OEG's.

Very interesting chickens, nonetheless.
They remind me of the feral chickens of Key West, FL. I can't imagine catching them was easy. Congrats on your new birds!
They were caught in cat traps in downtown Hilo when they were younger. I released them all at the same time and they formed a family! I think they are under 6 months old, the rooster keeps getting bigger and more colorful each week!

I've not seen eggs from them but I'm keeping an eye out. I plan on eating them. :)

I do have 10 chicks in a chick pen in my lanai and they will go outside in the chicken tractor when they are a bit older for more reliable eggs.

I'll get a photo of the "dump chickens" at my local dump! They have the most amazing and colorful feral chickens there.

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