My fiance is so sweet - PIC ADDED*update

Sticking together and knowing that nothing is each others fault is key. We spend every evening together, even when I get home late, he hugs me tightly and tells me how much he hates when I am not here. Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of things that drive me batty but I live by the 5 year rule - Is this issue important in 5 years? If the answer is no, let it gooooooo.
Ok, we need to find out more about each other. We are about the same age, live in the same general area.... Do you read? what are your hobbies? Do you work? How long have you been married?

I read ALOT. Mysteries and cop novels, mostly. My hobbies are my chickens, photography, and trying my hand at crafts - which I really suck at. I work for Victor Valley Transit Authority as the Office Manager for administration. Dream job!!! Forever employment kind of thing. My fiance an I have been engaged for 3 months and I have a 19 year old son, 17 year old step son and 19 year old step daughter.
Hi, Deb, I got tired and had to hit the hay. I see you all couldn't sleep. In response, I have 5 children, oldest almost21, boy, 15 year old boy, 8 and almost 7 year old girls, and a little sweetie with Down Syndrome who is almost 6,boy. And 3 chihuahuas, one adopted kitty and I got stood up on my german shepard.(no gas money to bring her).Been married since 2001 to the 3 little ones dad. When he is living "right" he is a wonderful man. Right now I don't know if I can keep dealing with his problems,because they affect the kids too much.(he's not here right now) I am homeschooling again and it's alot on my plate.I was in college full time until we had to move. I want to get my teaching credential. Postponed again. I'm so glad to hear all the love people have found,and a little sad for mine.I love animals, gardening and reading too. But I'm a nerd I like history and genealogy. Hear from you soon.
I eventually went to bed... Around 12. I am sorry to hear about the issues with your husband. Things like that are very hard, especially with children. I know that Victor Valley College here in Victorville, and Barstow Community College has classes that can help with teaching credentials. there are also alot of on line classes. I am also applaude you for choosing to have and keep your little boy, even with the challenges that can bring. There are a million joys that come with it.

About your husband - his issues are not your fault. And sometimes, with enough prayer and faith, things could still work out. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
:loveThank you! I needed some love today. I was burning excess brush in a pit a got ratted out to the fire chief. I wasn't trying to break a reg. I was being very careful and responsible. He was really nice and I put out the fire soaked annd added it to the compost pile. My sentiments exactly about the h, he always had issues, I'm just getting older and tired. I needed a faith boost too,thanks. As for Noah I was really appalled at how many people don't keep their babies with Down's. I never qu8estioned it. He is free of the heart and digestive problems, so I was grateful. I chose to homeschool again because they wanted me to send him 20 ml away in Newberry Springs. Not happening. Thank you for the friendship.
You know, my dear, the best education for a special needs child is a mother's love. You know what he is capable of and what he is not, and every single Down's child is different.

Go to the fire department on Monday and get a burn permit - it's like $10 for the year. Then all you have to do it call in your burn and they tell you yes or no depending on conditions. If we can burn here then I am sure you can burn there.

Homeschooling is not the pariah everyone thinks it is and you will find a lot of support here with that. Quite a few of us either do or have homeschooled. I did through a charter school with my son and it was lifesave.
I used Gorman for 3 years and now we're going with Kaplan for th and CAVA online for the squirts. It's actually alot of work, and everyone who doesn't HS love to tell me how bad it is for my kids.It is so refreshing to have someone be supportive.I noticed another topic thread for Hsing. Haven't read them though. The chief told me to get the permit,but the complaint came frome the guy who pretty much owns the town. So who knows if I'll get it without drama. I checked out Barstows online courses before we moved,I might do that in the spring.Just trying to get organized around her and figure out how to make my coop and garden.
So many people told me my son wouldn't get the socializing he needed. HA! The only socializing he got was spit in the face and threats. Not my idea of a great situation. The biggest high school here has a drop out rate of 51% - how is home schooling bad in face of that?? GRRRR don't get me going - HAHAHA!

I think you will get your burn permit no matter what due to property size and the brush in the desert that invades our yards. Policitics have no place in burn permits.

Online classes may be the way to go considering how far away you are from civilization. HAHA! People I know who live down the hill think I have halfway to Vegas. You will get the same thing. "Why did you move so far??" It's pretty funny considering we aren't all that far at all.
Oh so funny. I wanted peace and quiet,well I got it. I agree about the homeschooling.My 8 year old is still talking about mean kids from public school. Just reinforces why I made the choice. I just don't want them blocking me with excuses about when to burn. And yeah, no politics. That's why we live in the middle of the "sandbox".(desert humor)HaHa!I think I'm getting tired, I'm getting batty.

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