My fiance is so sweet - PIC ADDED*update

It's early, you old woman!!!! HAHAHA! I can say that because I am older than you. Homeschooling is really the way to go, at least up here. Sandbox is right!!!! People don't realize that we are 2nd to Falusia in dust storms!
I feel so much older than I am. I have a hard time staying asleep at night and end up getting up around 4 am.Perfect farm hours,but most people think I'm nuts to polish off a pot of coffee before 5:30am.Too much fast living in my teens, made my body old. That's the price we pay.I also dug a 3cubic ft fire pit and burned a 4*6 pile of wood before 3pm,too. So yeah tired.
You sound so like my fiance. He is up at 4 every day. And trust me - I lived the life before becoming responsible too! Now I am just a night person. I cherish my sleep on the weekends, and my darned fiance wakes me up every weekend day at 7!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
He does the same thing with coffe too.
:thNice to know I'm not alone in the up before dawn club. It is so past my bed time. I hear you about weekend sleep ins, the #2 daughter had me up at 5 and I actually wanted to stay in bed. So goodnight sweetie,thank you for everything.

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