My first baby duck hatch *Updated with Pics*


8 Years
May 30, 2011
Danville, Arkansas
so happy today was woken up by the sound of peeps thought was coming from outside cuz i have 2 chicken brooders and what i call the day care outside my window didnt think i would have a baby duck hatching out of the incubator but thats what it was she/he is 2 days early so happy my first baby cant wait untill she/he drys so i can tell if shes a runner or one of my black swedish cant wait for the other to hatch next week unless they hatch early too lol. Is it true if ur face is the first thing a duckling see will they think ur mama??
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Not quite (is it true...). If you are the first thing a duck is imprinted upon, yes. Imprinting means you will have to spend about the first whole day with them, sort of getting them used to you.
Imprinting and bonding are actually two different things-

The imprint happens within the 1st three days from hatching. Ducklings will imprint on a species, NOT an individual (and typically only on living/moving objects that are larger than they are, so they don't really imprint on each other). So if they see humans during their first days of life, they will imprint on the species. If they see ducks, they will imprint on ducks. In Asia, ducklings are shown a moving big stick so they imprint on it- then when they go to graze in rice paddies they'll follow and stay near the stick. Typically, ducklings that imprint on humans make for friendlier pets, since they typically don't fear humans. However, the imprint is not failproof.

bonding is really what makes a duck people friendly or not. Bonding typically happens when a duckling spends a LOT of time with one individual in particular. It's even stronger when there are no other ducklings/chicks around. The duckling will form a strong bond to the individual, and will see them as "mama". While ducklings imprint on a species, learning they are ducks, they bond to their mama. A duckling can imprint on humans, but never form a bond with a human. Ducklings can also bond to each other. Ducks can bond to more than one individual at different times (like my ducks are super bonded to me, but they also have a bond between them they developed after their initial bond to me).

For the friendliest outdoor/backyard ducks, having them imprint on humans is the way to go. Then to help establish some sort of bond, they should be handled/picked up/petted very often, but they should not be separated from other ducklings.

Hope that clears it up! I have two wonderful house ducks who are imprinted and bonded seperately to me, and each other. Because of our bond, my ducks are house pets and will not live outside with other ducks (in fact my own is completely convinced she is a person, not a duck).
so happy today was woken up by the sound of peeps thought was coming from outside cuz i have 2 chicken brooders and what i call the day care outside my window didnt think i would have a baby duck hatching out of the incubator but thats what it was she/he is 2 days early so happy my first baby cant wait untill she/he drys so i can tell if shes a runner or one of my black swedish cant wait for the other to hatch next week unless they hatch early too lol. Is it true if ur face is the first thing a duckling see will they think ur mama??

CONGRATS!!! be sure to post pics when you can...
Imprinting and bonding are actually two different things-

The imprint happens within the 1st three days from hatching. Ducklings will imprint on a species, NOT an individual (and typically only on living/moving objects that are larger than they are, so they don't really imprint on each other). So if they see humans during their first days of life, they will imprint on the species. If they see ducks, they will imprint on ducks. In Asia, ducklings are shown a moving big stick so they imprint on it- then when they go to graze in rice paddies they'll follow and stay near the stick. Typically, ducklings that imprint on humans make for friendlier pets, since they typically don't fear humans. However, the imprint is not failproof.

bonding is really what makes a duck people friendly or not. Bonding typically happens when a duckling spends a LOT of time with one individual in particular. It's even stronger when there are no other ducklings/chicks around. The duckling will form a strong bond to the individual, and will see them as "mama". While ducklings imprint on a species, learning they are ducks, they bond to their mama. A duckling can imprint on humans, but never form a bond with a human. Ducklings can also bond to each other. Ducks can bond to more than one individual at different times (like my ducks are super bonded to me, but they also have a bond between them they developed after their initial bond to me).

For the friendliest outdoor/backyard ducks, having them imprint on humans is the way to go. Then to help establish some sort of bond, they should be handled/picked up/petted very often, but they should not be separated from other ducklings.

Hope that clears it up! I have two wonderful house ducks who are imprinted and bonded seperately to me, and each other. Because of our bond, my ducks are house pets and will not live outside with other ducks (in fact my own is completely convinced she is a person, not a duck).

Absolutely agree with Nettie.
Also, if you ever end up with a single duckling, boy oh boy is it rough to convince them they're a duck.
Congrats on the new duckies! Pics ASAP, please, some of us won't have ducklings for a few months and are desperate for a duckling fix!
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lol i'll be sure to take pics as soon as i can get my hands on my husband iphone when he gets off work or find my memory card for me cam (dont know how i missed placed it lol) when u have them as house pets do their wear diapers or use like a litter box? was wanting have a pet duck in the house just dont know how to start lol so fare this is the only duckling for the next week she/he actually hatched 2 days early i did have all my duck eggs under my chickens that r sitting but i pulled them out and put them in the incubator to make sure they hatched. Its one of my fawn runners baby so im going simple and just naming it Runner lol right now i have him/her laying on my chest under my shirt to stay worm with body heat while i type he's out like a light lol SO CUTE
My ducks have an "indoor pen" rather than a coop outside. I built it out of currogated plastic. They are usually in an extra bedroom/walk-in-closet/office/etc, though right now they are in a finished heated garage (we are living with family members who are not used to ducks inside all the time lol). They go at will in their pen, but when I am home I diaper them and let them run around the house before their baths/showers. I've only ever known 1 duck who was somewhat potty trained, and she's 9 years old, lol. Mine wear a harness that holds half a baby diaper.

If you are only going to have one little guy for awhile, I would put him in with other ducks asap. If they are different ages, I would chaperone them closely to prevent any picking. This will help make sure the little guy develops a bond with other ducks as well as people. If he spends too much time with you in the house, you'll have one heck of a time convincing him he's not a human too, lol. I bring mine to parks or friend's farm with other backyard ducks and my Ming Mei will stay close to me, jump on my lap and distainfully look at the other ducks like she's saying, "Oh I'm not going to walk around on the filty ground with THOSE vermin!" lol.
well i have no one to put her with (had a friend sex her for me few mins ago lol) christopher is living in the baby brooder with my young chickens and he's very LOUD in the house cuz he wants to be back with the others so my husband doesnt want him in anymore and if it was summer would take the lil girl out to meet everyone but so cold dont want anything happen to the lil thing. We named her Tilly after Jeniffer Tilly cuz she was born on friday the 13th but couldnt think of no girls names so what thought about the movie friday 13th which got use thinking about other scary movies which got us thinking about Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky so we named her after the actor who plays Tiffany lmao
Congrats on your new duck!

you;re gonna half to do something....the duckling is crying in the house because ducks DO NOT do "alone"....they should always be in pairs. They are extremely social birds and need the company to survive.

Nettie is right-on with her description of bonding and imprinting. If you want a good pet, hold her and play with her as much as its possible. You WILL get poo'd on, a LOT, and you will change cloths 3 -5 times a day. You will also change "sheets" in the indoor duck-pen at least once a day..maybe twice. Many folks use old towels & pillow cases as bedding in the pen. The formula that I use and have great success, is a canvas painters tarp ($12) thats rubber backed. Place that on floor/carpet where ever the pen will be, rubber side down. Place pen on that with at least 6" tarp beyond the pen edge. Ducks like to dig and pull at edges...
I made my indoor pen out of 1/2" pvc pipe and stuck it together without glue. Then its wrapped with plastic garden fencing thats about 30" high and comes in rolls of 20ft. I secure that to the pvc frame with tie-straps. Its lightweight and easy to hose off. I carry it to the bath-tub or outside to rinse it off weekly. I also change the shape to fit other places in the house so the beast are not throwing seeds and whatever all over one single area..

Wash towels daily, wash ducks daily. They love the shower massage and splashing around in the tub...even my big ducks get a bath when its too cold to go hang out at the pond...(too cold for me, they'd be fine).

If you have any chicks, let your duckling hang with a chick but DO MONITOR them very closely. Never let a duckling in with big ducks....NEVER. You get dead ducklings that way. An orphan duckling will be killed by the drakes. If the egg was not hatched by a hen,. they are not interested, at all. Ducks are quite heartless when it comes to "taking in orphans". If it ain;t family, it ain't welcome.

Ducklings are absolutely defenseless when they are under 8 weeks, so they get attacked by pretty much anything bigger than they are. Its on you to protect your duckling and be mama, and it IS a full time job.

I have 2 pens to change each and outdoors. I have a system down so now its only about an hour to do both. The duck laundry takes longer but thats the machine being slow. Always have at least 2 sets of "sheets" per pen. You will always have to have bedding even when some is in the washer. DO try to hose off the "big stuff" before throwing it in the washes better without chunks....
For a temporary pen you can get an inflatable kiddie pool for $10. I have one that my last 2 kids grew up in, until they could fly over the walls. 6ft diameter and 15" deep, plastic and perfect for ducklings.

You;re going to enjoy raising a duck....Tonite while I was holding my 3 mt old baby.....I reminded myself of how much I enjoy these little critters...I tickled the hairly beast and she just goes insane wanting to cuddle up and be as close to her human as she can. I still laugh out loud as she dances around with that tail whipping back & forth...she chatters and quacks and just wants me to know that shes happy. She'll hardly leave my side when I've picked her up....she's 100% "lap-duck"..spoiled and lovin it. (as are my other 3).
That little bird hatched in my hand, and has been hand raised every day of her life. She has a room-mate that I got so she could have a companion that she's bonded with and the 2 are buds, no doubt. But they are also individuals and they each have their relationship with their dad...

One last thought...

you'll need lots of bleach,. and a carpet shampooer if you have rooms that are carpeted. Accidents WILL happen. Diapers or not. Ducks decorate....given enough time a duck can paint walls. They are "gifted and creative" when it comes to throwing poo against the walls. Monkeys got nuthing on a duck....

There's nothing more entertaining than ducklings. Nothing messier either. Do your reading online. There is a LOT of good & necessary info out there regarding being a surrogate mother to a duckling.
You;re gonna enjoy it, trust me..!

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