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I hope all of Buffy's eggs hatch
Which day are they due to hatch? Both times that a broody hatched eggs for me they hatched on the 19th/20th days. For the first hatch I wasn't aware that eggs under a broody usually hatch on day 20 so I was so surprised one morning to see a little face peeking out at me a day early

My buff orp was a really good mother to her 3 chicks:


That's an ADORABLE photo! Gosh, I hope these 3 eggs hatch! The 21st day is next Sunday, June 28th. I'm not candling the eggs, but I do know at least one of them should be fertile. Carl (the rooster, an EE) "favors" my two Lakenvelders with most of his treading so I checked two of their eggs - and each had the bulls-eye! Buffy's got a white egg under her from one of the Lakenvelders, either Minerva or Millicent. Rebecca is an EE and one of her eggs is under Buffy, too. And there's one of Buffy's eggs.
Day Fifteen

Buffy in seclusion today, as she has been for the past two weeks and some. (She's got fresh water and feed within six inches of her nest.) She was warily curious about the camera pointing at her.

Greta wanted to know what I was doing leaning into the A-Frame coop with that silver thing.

I gathered the 4 eggs from the nest box adjacent to hers, and one from a nest box in the Middle's coop.

These are the Middles, chillin' today, left to right: Shirley, Ellen, Rhoda and Betsy.

Matilda was kicking leaf litter and soil around in which to dust bathe.

It's a lazy day today - I wished Carl a Happy Almost (Hopeful) Father's Day.

I ALMOST caught a shot of him doing the wing dance for Rebecca! She's his very special lady - he always tries to seduce her, as opposed to chasing her down and mounting her without a by-your-leave. She wandered away, not all that interested.

He catches Millicent pretty regularly, as you can see by her back feathers.

I think I'll try to put one of the Chicken Shawls on her, which I bought last week. Tomorrow, maybe.

Louie and Thelma had just gotten out of their kiddie pool after splashing waves of water out into the leaf litter. The chickens love it when they do that.

And Louie wanted to know what that silver thing was, too.

I checked on Buffy again and got another shot of her all puffed up in that nest box. I think it's a hoot - Momma Buffy defending her 3 egg clutch!
Day Sixteen

How is it that the time appears to go fast - Wow! only five, maybe six more days to go! - and yet it also drags - Jeez, I can hardly wait to see if any of those eggs hatch!

What if none of them hatch?

Minerva and Millicent each lay an egg a day, and I KNOW those are fertilized. Should I save some for the next few days and put them under Buffy if none of her clutch hatch? And start the clock all over again?

I'm not worried about having fewer eggs to eat, sell or give away; my concern is much more for each chicken's happiness.

As you can tell, I'm starting to get anxious. Before this, I was just excited.
It goes by fast UNTIL the last 3 days, then it comes to what seems like a complete halt.

If none hatch, you go get some day olds and pop them under her. (But I'm betting that won't happen) I wouldn't start over - 6 weeks is a long time for her to be sitting on eggs. I'm sure people have done it, but I'd be worried about her health.
Day Seventeen

Huh. Suddenly, girls who had been laying their eggs in the nest box next to Buffy's are now laying in the nest boxes at one end of the Middles' coop. Even Rebecca, who has ALWAYS laid her egg in the A-Frame coop. And both Millicent and Minerva laid their eggs in that same nest box. It's like they've decided they aren't going to bother Buffy "in her confinement."


Bernadette has resumed laying, and she is SUCH a good girl - she uses the rear access roll-away nest box in the new coop. I don't know why the other gals who sleep there at night don't use the roll-away box. Oh well. They always wanted to lay their eggs in the A-Frame coop, even though none of them ever slept there. Only Minerva and Millicent slept there, and eventually Minerva abandoned Millicent to sleep in the (new) Big Coop.

I dropped two eggs (one of Rebecca's and one of Minerva/Millicent's) putting today's day's collection into the fridge. Luckily, I have vacuum-dogs ready to handle any dropped food. Or dropped PERCEIVED food, for that matter. But I did crouch down to see if either was fertilized. Yup - both of 'em. Now that I know what to look for, those bulls-eyes are really distinctive.

So, maybe Rebecca's green egg under Buffy is also fertile, and there's a chance TWO of the 3 eggs may hatch!
Joon, Munk, and I are so excited for you and Buffy! I cannot wait to see pictures, maybe the way everybody is avoiding her coop is a good sign that most if not all will hatch! I have my fingers crossed for you and her

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