My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

Day Twenty Two

Thank you, everybody. I'm still super jazzed and all giggly.

Last night I went back out to check on the new mother and baby. No sight nor sound of the chick. Of course, I immediately imagined it was smothered under Buffy's bulk. After all, this is her first time, maybe she doesn't know what to do and....and.....

She was much more fierce than before. Hoping that boded well, I left her alone.

Well, as of 11:00 AM Sunday, there appears to be only the one chick, but that grandchick of mine is up and running! I opened the hatch to the A-Frame and the baby was about 2 inches in front of Mom for maybe 1 second. Then it dashed around the edge of Buffy's nest-box into a little cubby between the box and the coop wall.

Y'see, Buffy almost totally fills that nest-box. And today, she's pulled forward, so she's not all the way inside it.

It would have been like climbing a golden feathered mountain, and since Momma was making warning sounds, it hid like a good chick where it could. And where it has obviously already investigated.

However - hehehehehehe - the egg hatch to the A-Frame opens on the back side of the nest boxes.

Yah, isn't the greatest shot, but I didn't want to harass my grandchick TOO much, so early. There'll be time for that. (And I'm kinda hoping if I leave everybody alone for awhile, maybe another egg will hatch....)

Buffy's now set up with a chick waterer and some chick-starter.

I'll be back later with more.

*tip-toeing away to a safe place* then

I took treats to the flock, mozzarella cheese, and saved a bit for Buffy. When I opened the hatch, GrandChick was in front of its Mommy again, and this time it did manage to snuggle in under all those feathers. Adorable to watch. Didn't have my camera because I'd had both hands full of cheese sheds when I went outside, and I hadn't planned on visiting the new family for a while, yet. But... had treat... must treat the new Momma. And sneak another peak at the new chick.
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Day Twenty Two Update

Well, I've seen more of my GrandChick, now. Even got a brief video to share!!!

It got to 103 degrees here today - just miserable. Buffy actually moved OUT of her nest box, eggs under her and all. She wasn't happy about me trying to look for more chicks or check on the rest of the eggs. There are FIVE under her, still whole. (Obviously, I'm going to have to discard at least 3 of them in a couple days.)

Later on, Buffy moved back into the nest box, eggs and all, but without the GREEN eggs shells from which the chick hatched. It's one of Rebecca's eggs! She's an EE, and Carl the Father ..errr. Rooster is an EE! I REALLY expected an egg from Millicent or Minerva to be the one that hatched .... but this is just niftier!

It seems like Carl knows there's something going on in the A-Frame living quarters upstairs. He was loitering around it and crowing a lot, today. And being just a little bit "odd" about me being right there, crawling into it to get pictures.

Okay, so here's the link to the video, only 33 seconds. I hope this URL works for y'all:
Oh my gosh that is adorable!!! What a beautiful little EE!! I am in love and will keep my fingers crossed she is a little girl! Congrats to you and Buffy, she did a wonderful job! And that video is priceless, especially with Buffy's "momma sounds". Boy that chick stays right with her doesn't it?? That is SO cool! I have never seen a hen with a chick before, it's just amazing. Total instinct right there, I love it. That chick is such a beautiful dark color too!

It was so warm today, I came back from SF and just about choked on heat LOL Hope everybody in West Sac is staying cool! I wonder if Carl knows that baby is his? His reaction seems very interesting!
Glad to hear all is well with momma and baby, can't wait till you name her. Shoot you might just name her Grandchick! LOL
I have to say, that is one darn cute EE chick!!!!
I just LOVE the video. I can't wait to see if more of her eggs hatch.
ing our fingers and toes over here for me grandchickies

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