My first broody!** Daily Updates* Post Hatch Events

Phew that made my tired just reading it!!
Just read the whole story. Love it! Buffy is a great mommy, I hope to have one like her someday. Any news on the eggs? Are you going to candle them?
I don't have a good flashlight to candle them.... if nothing else hatches by Friday, I'll have to take them away from her and discard 'em.

I am HOPING she'll start being a mommy instead of a broody, then.
Day Twenty Five

Well, given that yesterday was SO chaotic, I wanted to check on GrandChick right away when I got home from work. I gave mozzarella cheese to the flock, and carried a small container of mealworms back to the A-Frame coop for Buffy.

No chick. No peeping. I'd locked up the coop the night before, so I have NO freakin' idea how it could have gotten out. I listened REALLY hard and thought I heard faint peeping somewhere NOT in the coop. CRAP. I chased that phantom sound for a good 30 minutes and it turned out to be the quiet chirping of Lola, one of the Littles, a black bantam Cochin. Jeeez.

So, finally, I lifted Buffy out of her nest. She was pretty annoyed at this, but at the very back of the nest box, there was GrandChick. Perfectly fine.

The four eggs are still there, do not appear to be "ripening." Pipping, or whatever. Their final day underneath Buffy will be Friday, then I'll discard them.

I stirred up the mealworm chaff so the ones that were still deep in it would come to the surface, as a peace offering to Buffy. She huffily went back into her nest box and settled back down.

Because I was so concerned about FINDING GrandChick, I didn't take my camera out to the coop. So, no pictures of GrandChick to share today.
Day Twenty Six

The little peepster was peeking out from under Buffy's feathers this evening. (Good, because I WOULD have lifted her up again to look for it!) Still four eggs there.

I think Friday evening (tomorrow) is the Egg Discard Date. I wonder if I should do an eggtopsy on 'em? Or should I wait until Saturday? And just discard them (in a sealed zip-lock bag).

I pulled the eggs out and hefted them in my palm. One feels very light. They're all very shiny. I put them back.

I really wanted Buffy to hatch more than a single GrandChick, but I am still thrilled that she hatched ANY.

If anybody is still following this thread, what advice do you have for me, regarding those last four eggs?
I'am sticking to your every word,but I'am new to this!!!!! I have enjoyed your post so much Thank you!! My eggs should start hatching on the 3rd and there are 7 wish mt mom chick luck!! and this my first!!!!!

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