My first chicks! Mixed breeds with weekly pic updates!!


5 Years
Sep 11, 2014
B.C. Canada
We've had these little guys since the 2nd and they hatched on the 31st. They are from a mixed breed certified organic flock from a nearby farm. We didn't ask what breeds are in the flock to make it even more of a surprise as they develop. these pics are from their first trip outside on Sunday and a few of the brooder. They are already very friendly and crazy acrobatic, silly things can jump nearly 2 feet up.

Now who doesn't love chicks?? Thanks for sharing. Welcome to BYC, so glad you joined us!
Here are some pics from this morning. Yesterday I added three roosts of different heights to the brooder as well as increased the little indoor run to 3x the floorspace. They are loving it so far and can already get up to the second level roost.

I've recently been told that Brahma, Buff Brahma, Dark Brahma, black Australorp, Danish Brown Leghorn, Sussex Red crosses, and Rock crosses are some of the breeds in the flock these chicks came from. So excited still to see what they all turn out to be. So far only a few chicks really stand out from the others and I'm crossing my fingers they are pullets. especially the one with olive legs and the tiger coloured one with fuzzy legs......actually i hope all 4 with the fuzzy legs are pullets, or at least really sociable cockerels that get along with my current head roo Chester(as in Chester Fried Chicken. Not sure if that's just a Canadian chain or not hah)
Here are some pics from Sunday for the week 3 update. Not the best cause the lighting was terrible, will try to get some better ones on the weekend.

They are cute. It is funny how even as young chicks they have the instinct to stretch out for sun bathing.

Now who doesn't love chicks?? Thanks for sharing. Welcome to BYC, so glad you joined us!

awww man, somehow I missed your replies. Here I was thinking nobody had replied, now i feel really silly
. Thanks for the welcome, I already spend way too much time reading threads on this site haha. I'm really in love with these little guys and their crazy personalities, soo amazing to watch them grow up!! Today was finally sunny and there was no picking to do so I got around to building them a little outside run under the walnut tree and right next to the front porch for easy/convenient supervision. Hopefully every warm day for the next 2-3 weeks they will get out to play and forage. They where out for about and hour today and they loved it! I took hundreds of pictures too haha. I will post the best ones as soon as I'm finished sorting trough them.
Here are the pics from yesterdays outing. Took forever to narrow it down to even this few....I seriously took almost 700 pics
. The miracles of digital technology haha.


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