My first Coop...I hope they like it. What do you think?

Your work shows a very pretty picture. I really like the Behlen kennel panels, but I also use dog panels for my 10 x 20 run. Your construction looks great, but I think you might need to re-build in the future. From my experiences, any OSB exposed to the elements will rot. I replaced my barn's old wooden loft door with OSB in 2004. It was 3/4 inch and approximately 4 ft square, and I put 4 coats of exterior paint on it. This summer it was falling to pieces, and I've replaced it with 1/2 inch, painted plywood. OSB is really shavings of wood that have been glued together, and not designed for exterior use. Also, the building that I am moving and rebuilding, though made from 2 x 4's and still standing well, was moved many years ago to a cement pad right next to the house. It began rotting away at the bottom. I see that your coop on the right in on cement pilons, and built to shed water. Those legs will do fine. The legs on the dirt will last longer that the bottom of my building, but they will still be exposed to water, although it will probably take a good decade to start decaying.
ANY chicken wire on the exterior is dangerous for your wee birdies.
I use chicken wire to fence in my gardens, and I've seen some coops where it's used in the interior to keep the chickens out of the feed storage area, but a predator will rip right through it, especially raccoons, which are only cute to people who spend their lives in highrises.

After you finish the roof and put some hardware cloth on, I believe that you can live with this for about a year before making any other changes. Heaven knows you put a lot of work in allready.
Thanks! yes, the OSB is temporary. I needed something quick to put my Polish hens in before the other chicks killed em! I'm going to replace that as soon as I can. I'm going to use the same pine barn board I used on the bigger coop.

And yes, I really need to go get some hardware cloth...oh where oh where am I going to find a 3rd job so I can keep funding this venture! lol.
I did use hardware cloth on any vents or windows that I made on the coops, so when they're locked away at night I thought that would be the safest bet. Any idea good online retailers that sell hardware cloth at a decent price? I'm seeing 48"x50" rolls on for about $65.

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