My first egg


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 8, 2014
Charlotte CH VA
One of my chicken laid her first egg today it has a very thin shell. This chicken came from a local feed and seed store as a laying pullet (not a baby chicken) I know he feeds them commercial feed and keeps them very clean, overall she is healthy, would she laid stronger shells eggs?
I forgot my turkey ate the egg she laid the egg outside the coop
Sounds like a calcium deficiency. Make sure your feed is for layers..consider at least for awhile to supplement her calcium.
Thank you I started diet supplement I'm affraid my other chicken might not need any extra calcium, the layers are new to my flock. Thanks a million:D
Thank you I started diet supplement I'm affraid my other chicken might not need any extra calcium, the layers are new to my flock. Thanks a million:D

A better approach for a flock that is not 100% active layers (this means mixed gender, chicks with hens, hens who are not laying due to age, molt, etc) is to use a grower feed and offer calcium in the form of oyster shell, etc. Even w/out a mixed flock, many prefer the higher protein content of a grower feed vs. the lower content in layer feed. The only "advantage" of a layer blend is the extra calcium and that is easily addressed in other ways - ie the oyster shell.

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