my first eggs!!!


In the Brooder
Aug 1, 2017
Mattituck, NY
So excited to find my first three eggs this morning! I have 5 pullets they are just five months old. I decided not to artificially light the coop so I didn't expect eggs until the spring.

Here's the problem. The eggs weren't in the nesting box. They were together in the corner. I was a little upset that they were not using the nesting box but I figured it's not the end of the world. At least I will know to look for the eggs in that corner.
We are using the deep litter method in the coop - I was spreading scratch and I found a soft egg in the shavings! If they are going to lay all over in the coop and they kick the shavings around to find the scratch I may never find the eggs! How do I go about getting them in the nesting box?

I have a galvanized laying box that takes up a lot of room in the coop. Should I try a smaller box? Also - The galvanized box seems so cold. I am a new chicken owner so I am flying blind here!

I welcome any suggestions
The first eggs are always the best!!!!! Congratulations!!
I agree on a fake egg or golf balls eventually you wont need them once they get the idea that they lay in the boxes.
Could be the bedding? Or the size of the boxes?
Or lighting issues that was stated above.
Fake eggs should do the trick. I have 3 nest boxes and keep 1 fake egg in each. I laugh cuz every morning, my Cuckoo Maran, Mandy, spends time gathering all the fake eggs and transfers them to her favorite nest box. And every morning, after my girls are finished laying I gather the real eggs and put the fake ones back into place. It seems to be a ritual now.
First time layers do not always find the nest box and will lay on the floor. Others lay where there is an egg, especially if it still warm (don't you like to climb into a warm bed?) I use cardboard boxes for nest boxes--from the grocery store. CUt a nice hole in the side, closest to the top, so the nesting material will not be scratched out. The box often must be tacked to the wall of the coop, so it will not be tipped when the hen goes in and out. My nest boxes are on a shelf, so the hen can have a wait outside of the box, when going to lay and afterward (to announce her gift). They like a dark place to lay, so locate where it is in a darker part of your coop. AND to show the new layer a good place--leave an egg in the nest. WRite a date on it, so you will know which are the new eggs. Very soon, all the pullets will lay in the same box-for 5 pullets you can set up a second one,if you wish, but often only one will be used--if they can wait their turn or scrunch 2 in at the same time..not the best for the eggs. And that soft shelled egg that you found, not a worry, as her shell gland was not quite mature (the last part of the making of an egg, that takes about 25 hours). She may not lay another, but will lay lovely eggs as expected. Always exciting to have those first eggs! But every fresh egg, for years and years, is worth all our time and effort!
Hi! Congrats on your eggs! :woot

You should buy some ceramic eggs at your local feed store to put in the nesting boxes. That will entice your girls to come and lay there.

Also, make sure your nesting boxes have plenty of straw or shavings. Chickens like their boxes nice and comfortable.

As, for the soft egg, it could be from age.. (which is most likely what it is) feed, illness, etc. Do make sure your chickens are getting a balanced diet so they can lay properly.

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