My first ever weeks' old chicks!


Oct 7, 2015
Nanaimo, BC
New here to the baby chicks, we found a farmer who claimed to have Maran X chicks, i believe in the end they admitted that it was on confidence that the roo was a maran but unsure of the hens that produced the eggs...but I'm not sure what it is we ended up with, perhaps just some cute little chicks and no maran types at all!

I think their between 2weeks and 5weeks old in range, we got 8. Not sure of the sexes but guessed based on the research i was able to find; Roos having more pronounced combs, slower feathering and thicker legs. I'm thinking of the 8 we ended up with 2 roos maybe, but still unsure.

What do you all think? Is it possible a few of them are BCM and are they pullets or roos?

This is one we suspect is only 2weeks old? not sure of breed, seems to be a brown colouring like the other two.

maybe a BCM? not sure of roo or pullet for this one, though i'm suspicious it may be roo...

2week old, potential roo and a pullet in front?

maybe a BCM pullet? got the feathery feet

this is another suspected roo...i'm fairly certain due to the comb and slow feathering at 3-4 weeks (unless younger than i think)

same roo suspect with one of the browns, who i think both are females (the older two of the three...other one still too young to tell)

roo suspect? brown pullet?

brown pullet with other BCM "maybes" being pullets?

the two older browns, seem to be pullets?

two combs for the pullets of the maybe BCM?

maybe BCM roo on left and pullet on right?

were so excited either way to get our first little babies! it's so much fun to watch them, we got them only yesterday.
i'm starting to get suspicious of another one being a roo too....eeek! when abouts do they have to be old enough to tell? 6weeks? or is it just when they start to crow? if then, when do they start to crow?
My rooster started looking like a rooster by 2-3 months. He started crowing at 4 months I think. It is so funny when they begin to crow. Some can start sooner or later. My rooster was is an Easter egger.He runs the flock now.
My rooster started looking like a rooster by 2-3 months. He started crowing at 4 months I think. It is so funny when they begin to crow. Some can start sooner or later. My rooster was is an Easter egger.He runs the flock now.

awesome! thanks
only a few months to go!
i'm sure the time will just zip by before i know it and i'll wish they were itty bitty again, but i'm so excited and curious...

a good lesson in patience i suppose!
I just looked back to when I was unsure about striper being a rooster or not. It is so obvious to me now!

haha of course, it's our hope for a pullet i guess that makes us doubtful...

I do hope my guesses are right, i can live with two of them being roos, i'm hoping for at least 6 pullets as our ladies we have currently are 3+ years and not laying so well anymore...were lucky to get 1 egg a day from them...we need eggs!

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