My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

I have heard of skunks just taking off the heads they are after the eggs and kill a few chickens. Colorado has weasels (I have never seen one) Dont have a problem with them now and I hope I never will sorry for everyones dead chickens
It sucks when it happens then we have to act all crazy and think of covering every hole so a fly couldnt get through.
Well, conventional skunk wisdom STINKS :) - or is it possums that don't usually kill adult chickens?

Weasels are nasty, but I have no experience with them - well, just the HUMAN variety!

The owl story was real - they saw it dive bomb the ducks one night - or the shadow of it. They said it was very fast - how it came in, got dinner, and flew off.
True, true, Steemroo! All true.
I occasionally will sprout some mung beans, in fact, will do that tomorrow. Been so busy with new chicks! Last year I sprouted some greens, but can't remember what they were. Will check that fodder thread. Thanks a bunch Steemroo!
Get your self a 22 and shoot straight and take care of biss.And don't post a pic of the kill that could come back and bite you.Good luck I just lost a buff orp. The other day I let her out for an hour to free range and she was gone.if you could get intouch with a local trapper and put a leg hold set with your dead one if legal in your state.
Hey Shellz, my wife is fermenting feed and swears by it - keeps the house clean of FLIES, too - cuz they get in it & die - more yummy protein, mmmmm.

They do massive wheat grass trays on the other thread - & barley, etc - like 6" or more of grass blade. But some complain of issues, like mold.. It seems tricky.

Hi Welly, sorry you lost a nice bird. I agree. I said the same earlier - pic of dead fox is just an open invitation to get "swatted'" er "wardened.". Game laws are tuff - sometimes for good reason & sometimes, well it's darn hard to say. Just try to figure em out and do not run afoul of the system. Big fines, they can take your gun' & they can even take your right to own a gun. Be paranoid.. But also, we have a duty to do this the right way if possible - don't wanna sound sanctimonious, just letting folks know I'm aware of the other side of the argument.

Leg trapping's regulated mostly for good reason. SNAP, there goes a little girl's dog. SNAP, there goes a California Condor - and so on.. But they arr effective in good hands, and rubber guarded versions supposedly don't break dog or livestock legs.. But still catch critters n varmints.
Yeah, I'm going to look into that fermenting feed. Sounds like a great idea! We get those darn cluster flies 2X a year & somehow they get into house. Grrrr!

I'm a member of a hunting forum up here in Ontario, so I totally get what you're saying about posting dead varmint pics. We're a pretty legal group & if anything sounds 'fishy' that person is called on it! Some of us will go all CO (conservation officer) on him/her! Lots of folks post legal hunting pics and such. But yeah, we're all aware of the laws in our particular regions. They can take one or all guns, depending on the violation. It pays to know, that's for sure! If we aren't sure of a situation, we call the MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) & they're more than happy to tell us how to deal with it for our area. Like the beaver that moved into our pond last year. My dog mistook it for a muskrat (gets them on dry land), but made mistake jumping into pond after it. Long story short, he got bit and belly slit. Missed his spleen by a quarter inch. He's fine now, thank God! Hubby was given permission to shoot it & bury it, since it was out of season. So that would be your nuisance animal right there. MNR also told us we could shoot anything that was a nuisance without permission. Exceptions being birds of prey & designated endangered species.
so sorry for your loss...we had a fox checking things out about a week ago...he hasn't been back since and i think it's because we have an outside dog not too far from the chicken pen/coop...however if it does come back it will be shot...we have put a lot of money into our chickens and all the stuff they need and we will not have them killed by a predator if we can stop it.
This is Canada here, so our laws may be different from yours. We are confident in that we do everything 'by the book'. I have even had an official or 2 from the MNR on our property to inspect our shooting range, and such. Anything I say here, I can say back on my local forum. We have nothing to hide. I will refrain from posting pics here, so as to not raise any eyebrows! I don't want to be starting any arguments here. You can SSS, or be cognizant of your area's laws. Whatever you post, just be aware. Better safe than sorry, I say!

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