My First Hatch!

My hubby is totally in love with her. He is always holding her. She slept great last night nestled in my son's shirt next to her mirror in the brooder. She woke up bright and early this morning ready to seize the day. She's moving much better than she was yesterday. My son isn't allowed to hold her just yet. Only pet her when we're holding her. He'd accidently crush her. My hubby took tons of pics. She's a mutt. I suspect her mother to be a KC cross and her father to be a Rouen cross. You never know. The guy that we got them from had TONS of ducks all different breeds mixed together. He thought they could've been runner/pekin but neither duck looks like either one of those. Doesn't really matter. We love them just the same.

Here is little Petrie

Here are her parents when they were ducklings. Her mother is in the back and her father is in the front.

Here are her parents as adults (I need to get better pictures)

My hubby is totally in love with her. He is always holding her. She slept great last night nestled in my son's shirt next to her mirror in the brooder. She woke up bright and early this morning ready to seize the day. She's moving much better than she was yesterday. My son isn't allowed to hold her just yet. Only pet her when we're holding her. He'd accidently crush her. My hubby took tons of pics. She's a mutt. I suspect her mother to be a KC cross and her father to be a Rouen cross. You never know. The guy that we got them from had TONS of ducks all different breeds mixed together. He thought they could've been runner/pekin but neither duck looks like either one of those. Doesn't really matter. We love them just the same.

Here is little Petrie

Here are her parents when they were ducklings. Her mother is in the back and her father is in the front.

Here are her parents as adults (I need to get better pictures)

They are beautiful I think mixed ducks make some awesome looking babies and you have proved me right.. keep the pics coming.

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