Well if I understood you right you didn’t want to change her food yet...she’s serverly underweight.
You need to get some nutrients in her. I would isolate her so you can actually monitor her intake of water and food. At this point I’d offer tuna scrambled egg heck even some chicken Meat cooked of course. Any type of protein she would eat.
Under weight says worms to me. Another advantage to isolating her is it’s easy to monitor poop too and I’d collect some for a fecal float from the vet.
Another thing that caught my eye was you stated poor feather condition. Malnutrition or parasites. Have you checked for lice and such?
You should monitor her crop too while you have her isolated. Could it be impacted?
Check it as she eats does it feel different? Hard? Like it never emptied overnight?
Since you got her from someone else isolation should of been done right away...too late now I know. I’d keep my eyes on my original birds too. Best wishes
Well if I understood you right you didn’t want to change her food yet...she’s serverly underweight.
You need to get some nutrients in her. I would isolate her so you can actually monitor her intake of water and food. At this point I’d offer tuna scrambled egg heck even some chicken Meat cooked of course. Any type of protein she would eat.
Under weight says worms to me. Another advantage to isolating her is it’s easy to monitor poop too and I’d collect some for a fecal float from the vet.
Another thing that caught my eye was you stated poor feather condition. Malnutrition or parasites. Have you checked for lice and such?
You should monitor her crop too while you have her isolated. Could it be impacted?
Check it as she eats does it feel different? Hard? Like it never emptied overnight?
Since you got her from someone else isolation should of been done right away...too late now I know. I’d keep my eyes on my original birds too. Best wishes
Thank you. My original 2 silkies seem fine and normal at the moment but as I have her inside il check the crop, if eggbound and for lice.
Thank you everyone. As I said this is my first time as a chicken nurse and I have only kept chicken for a year and a half so I’m fairly new to it. All this info is very much appreciated and I will live and learn regardless of what happens. I hope I can help her get through this. I can’t bare the thought of her in pain.
I know how you feel. I've been keeping chickens fr a few years and had to deal with minor injuries and chick weakness and mites but the first case of real illness was realier this year. My rooster got suddenly very lethargic and pale and stopped eating. He got so ill so fast I thought I might lose him, but it turned out to be sour crop and within 24 hours of the right treatment he perked right up. He is now good as new.
The one thing that i have considered a possible difficulty in terms of treatment in the UK is not being able to get antibiotics without prescription and vets are so expensive plus most won't treat chickens. Hopefully your hen will not require antibiotics though.

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