My First Rooster.... I am starting to hate him sadly.....

You could separate him from the flock until he gets older and less likely to be rough on the hens.
That’s what I did with my boy. They can all still see each other but they are separated by chicken wire. The first few days he was upset about it but now he’s fine. He still spends time where they are but he can’t get to the hens. I’m hoping at some point to reunite them all, but this works too. He will be 3 this spring.
Get well soon!
Cockerels are easiest to raise in a flock including adult hens and roosters. The young idiots get humbled, and it's great for them.
It might also help lessen human aggression, although I think selecting good boys pays off, and then knowing how to interact (or not!) with them, and recognizing difficulties early, is the story there.
Only having one little pullet isn't helpful either...
I wonder if this is what my EE will look like at 6 months. He’s 4 months right now.

That is exactly what I thought! I have said to my husband a few times that he looks like he has game bird in him! The reason he is in the livingroom is because he has been separated from the other chickens for being super aggressive with them. He bites my husband a lot too.

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