My First Rooster.... I am starting to hate him sadly.....

I've got a rooster that looks just like him! He's the sweetest roo and definitely the most mellow. I would give him a while to mature before you decide get rid of him.

Booting him won't hurt anything but his pride. It'll put him in his place. I don't know if it'll keep him from mounting hens, but it'll tell him that you are in charge and not to be messed with.
One of the chicks that we ordered through the mail turned out to be a roo. This is (amazingly) the first time this has happened to us out of 14 chicks throughout the years of buying day-old sexed chicks. He is 6 months old and "breeding" everyone.... "___" because it is chicken rape to some of them. Our little game hen doesn't want anything to do with him but he chases her down and then she yells and yells ... he pecks her head a lot..... she flies away. I am worried that I will take a nice (to humans) rooster and make him aggressive because I really want to punt him and protect our little hen. Is this raping behavior going to subside? Advice, please. A photo below of the perp. View attachment 1983434
What breed is he? He’s a pretty boy
I see how you could be frustrated but I wouldn’t use the word rape and chicken in the same sentence. It’s a cockerel doing what a cockerel will do. He will be shown how to behave likely as time goes on. Look at the bright side you can cull and make a nice soup. In the human world it’s not as easy to deal with scum.
I gave mine a year of keeping him separated. He killed one of my hens, by crushing her I think. He was beautiful and I wanted it to work, but another hen was terrified of him, and it became too much after I found him humping my dead Ginger and shaking her by the neck.
One of the chicks that we ordered through the mail turned out to be a roo. This is (amazingly) the first time this has happened to us out of 14 chicks throughout the years of buying day-old sexed chicks. He is 6 months old and "breeding" everyone.... "___" because it is chicken rape to some of them. Our little game hen doesn't want anything to do with him but he chases her down and then she yells and yells ... he pecks her head a lot..... she flies away. I am worried that I will take a nice (to humans) rooster and make him aggressive because I really want to punt him and protect our little hen. Is this raping behavior going to subside? Advice, please. A photo below of the perp. View attachment 1983434
If this pic is your cockerel he needs to go. He has cross beak and that is an inherited genetic flaw. You have a cockerel that you didn't order, who is rough on your hens, and he has a major genetic flaw. I would find away to remove him from the flock permanently and make sure he never breeds. :(

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