My first time incubating and there's pipping!!

And my first chickie has hatched! The other three that have popped are still wiggling and peeping, but still are not zipping yet
and some of the others are peeping and wiggling, but still not pipping


Haha I was so worried about bumping the incubator and disturbing the eggs while I was watching them pip and zip and hatch, and this little guy just mobs through all the eggs, knocking them this way and that like a little Godzilla.
I now have 5 hatched and one pipping! So far there are three LF chicks and two banties.

Just a quick question, my little chick that was pipping upside down, he finally hatched, and it looks like he is bleeding from his vent area. None of the other chicks have this, could it be hatch junk stuff or might he have a problem? It is hard for me to see it clearly, I only notice it when he falls on his back or gets knocked over. He doesn't act like he is hurting and is running around and peeping and sleeping like the others, so I dunno.
Oh! And how long does it take for them to dry off? I don't do anything to humidity until they all hatch right? Or after this sixth one hatches, and if none of the other five have pips yet, should I open the vent plugs? Or are they fine dampish? The first and second chicks are still a little wet furred, but almost dry now.
Thanks for all your guys' advice and support and stuff!
THey can hang out in there until the hatch is finished. THey have enough yolk to keep them fed and watered for 24+ hours. THe one that looks bloody probably has a little of the yolk to absorb into its body yet. Just leave him be. After 24 hours if there are still eggs that havent hatched you could sneak in there and quickly remove the chicks to a brooder (get that set up now if you havent done it already) THere are other threads of the method used....check them out! And congratulations! Terri O
There are now 6 chicks and two more pipping

This is the little chick who decided to hatch upside down, the fourth to hatch

The two lighter ones are the third and fifth to hatch and the dark one is the newest one (third is on top)

The bottom left one was the second to hatch, the bottom right one is the first, and then on the top is the third and fifth again

This is number five, sitting in his shell. He could have been second or third, but decided to hang out and stick his beak out his hidey hole instead

The fifth chick looks like he has a beard
very cute! I am still hoping that at least one of these still-to-hatch eggs turns out to be a silkie cross! None yet so far
Aww CrazyOppossum

Congratulations!! They are so adorable and are going to be some cute little guys/girls. I hope they all hatch and you get a Silkie cross that you want so badly.

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