My five month old BO's wont go in the coop at night or bad weather

Colorado Chick

5 Years
Sep 27, 2014
Hi there, there are times that my girls wont go into the coop. About 75% of the time they roost on top of the coop and wont put themselves to bed. Then during bad weather they just stand out in the rain at times. Should i be concerned about this? I know these girls are tough and can handle the weather, i just dont want them to get used to doing that and really bad weather get them. Here is a link to some pictures ON PAGE TWO that will show you were they live.
thanks very much!

P.S. they have been using this coop about two months now.
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My BO's are the only ones who love to stay out in the rain the longest. They are funny.

As for them not going inside the coop at night, do you put them in? or let them roost all night on the coop?
I'm thinking it may be because there is nothing for them to roost on.

I bet they are sitting on the edge of the roof of the coop.
I noticed in your you also have a Walker Treeing Coonhound?

Also, are the three gals in the photos? Are you sure they are Buff Orpingtons?
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I'm thinking it may be because there is nothing for them to roost on.

I bet they are sitting on the edge of the roof of the coop.
im going to remedy that asap- that is the project i have been working on when it doesnt rain. :) and yes they are on the edge right next to the fence they share with the dogs. the very dogs that want to eat them!!! :)
I noticed in your you also have a Walker Treeing Coonhound?

Also, are the three gals in the photos? Are you sure they are Buff Orpingtons?
yep hes a walker. i just love that breed. he is my first one, and i am learning to train him. on rabbits.....believe it or not. Most people look at me like "Do you realize that you are using a howitzer on RABBITS/TRASH??!?!?!" but he will aid in falconry for my husband. :)

based on photo comparisons they are BO's. I have seen BO's that are a solid cream color, and then some that are like mine, the redish color with specks of white.
I noticed in your you also have a Walker Treeing Coonhound?

Also, are the three gals in the photos? Are you sure they are Buff Orpingtons?
i went looked at pictures again on this forum and the net. Most were the cream colored, and one or two pics were birds like mine. now you have me worried.

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