My flock is getting sick FAST...


11 Years
Aug 19, 2008
About a third of them are sneezing and have foamy bubbly eyes.. They are eating. And they are a mixed age flock, but everyone of them was hatched here. I haven't brought in a outside bird for over a year. This all started about a week ago... The weather in cold and wet. They were doing better when it was freezing and dry. Should I just give them ALL a round of antibiotics. The vets around here laugh at you if you ask anything about poultry. I have 5 Muscovey ducks too, will it hurt them to drink the meds.. I already culled one bantam roo... I really would rather not do it again..
I'm sorry, but the bubbly eyes thing sounds bad. I would hit them hard with Tylan - get the water soluble stuff. It's nuclear, works really well. You may have to cull the sickest ones ruthlessly to save the rest. Sorry.
Well, I had to cull another one. His eyes were swollen shut and it almost looked like they had puss oozing out. They were all crusted over, he had very labored breathing... This happened quick too... I hope he is the last one... Its all been in the same age group, bantams, maybe I took their light away to soon. Thats what I'm thinking... I feel horrible..
You might want to do a search on here for Coryza-hopefully that's not what you're dealing with.
Hope you get to the bottom of it.
It sounds like a respiratory disease, could be MG, I'm afraid. You need to act quickly. Like, today quickly. Get them on the Tylan for a week, hit 'em hard. If they won't drink it, syringe it down their throats.

Offer some kind of high protein food, scrambled egg and the such. Add garlic and ACV for an immune system boost.
Coryza is generally accompanied with swelling. If you are concerned, use Sulmet in the water with the Tylan. The two together will help to tackle the Coryza.

If you have friends / family with poultry, you need to be exercising EXTREME biosecurity right now. I cannot emphasize this enough.
Coryza is generally accompanied with swelling. If you are concerned, use Sulmet in the water with the Tylan. The two together will help to tackle the Coryza.

If you have friends / family with poultry, you need to be exercising EXTREME biosecurity right now. I cannot emphasize this enough.

GREAT point!
Good advice here on the Tylan - - and the biosecurity. Tylan is hard core and works great on respiratory stuff. If you go that route, get Tylan 50, not Tylan 200. Very different concentration, and the 50 is more than enough for birds.

If you get Tylan injectible instead of water soluble, please feel free to PM me for a Tylan 50 dosage chart I worked out with my vet's help.

Good luck with your birds! Please keep us posted.

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