My garage conversion with dirt floor is complete...the chickens have a new home!


Free Ranging
16 Years
Aug 16, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
Me and my daughter spent over 5 hours shoveling dirt into the garage...I didn't realize how hard that was going to be. But the chickens now have space and a new roost to sleep on...I still have to put in the door but it just arrived today.
It's such a great feeling to watch them scratch and investigate their new home.....and I hope the dirt will insulate them somewhat against the cold this year.

ETA: I didn't get the chicken wire all the way up yet...I hope they don't try to roost on that. :rolleyes:


  • Chicken coop on concrete 1.JPG
    Chicken coop on concrete 1.JPG
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  • Chicken coop on concrete 2.JPG
    Chicken coop on concrete 2.JPG
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  • Chicken coop on concrete 3.JPG
    Chicken coop on concrete 3.JPG
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  • Chicken coop on concrete 4.JPG
    Chicken coop on concrete 4.JPG
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  • Chicken coop on concrete 5.JPG
    Chicken coop on concrete 5.JPG
    761 KB · Views: 20 poor chickens have lived in the front section of that garage (you can't see that but it's where I'm standing to take the pic) for a year, roosting on 2x4's that sat on two saw was supposed to be a temporary situation but took me a year to get finished.
I was going to fill the entire garage with dirt but the doors made it too complicated. When I decided to use a pop door for the chickens, it seemed like a better idea. The ducks have their own smaller "apartment" on the left and they will have to walk thru the walk door to get there. Hopefully they won't poo a lot on the walk across from the outside walk door. :D

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