My girls are gone!!


Jun 13, 2022
I have two very sweet chickens that have become a part of the family and they have not come back to the coop for two nights. One Easter Egger and one Cinnamon Queen. We let them free range when we are out doing yard work so we can keep an eye on them in case of hawks and they always stay around and come back to the coup at night. A hawk tried to get our Easter Egger last year and she was able to get away (I say this because there was a lot of feathers after that and we don't see feathers anywhere now.)
Has anyone had their chickens go on an adventure and come back several days later? Do they get lost? We have driven the neighborhood and no sign of feathers anywhere so I am praying that mean they may still be alive but lost? Has anyone ever had them come back after missing a few days? Any advice would be very much appreciated!
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What type of predators do you have? They might have been scared into hiding or taken by a predator or two, coyotes, foxes, dogs csn take a chickenwithout leaving a trace, I'm sorry.
All kinds unfortunately, we live in the county. I was just hoping maybe if there was no trace and the likelihood of them taking two at once was maybe low? IS there anything else I can do? We have woods behind us I thought they maybe bed down in. Will treats work if they are alive?
You can try leaving food or treats and water near the edge of the woods. You can also try leaving a light, flashlight, lantern, etc at the door of the coop. If they see the light at dusk or after dark they may come back. A predator of some kind is a high possibility though. Does anyone near you have chickens? If they heard them or saw them, they might have gone there.
I've had a flock go missing for just one night when they couldn't get into the coop. I realized the coop was shut and looked for them with a flashlight but couldn't find them. They had bedded down under a tree and I had been looking up in the trees so somehow missed them. But unfortunately just one night is alot more normal than 2 nights. They really should have come back the 2nd night. Coyotes will trot off with chickens in their mouths to their dens and so you won't see feathers. I'm so sorry but there is no reason you can't remain hopeful that they just got to far away, found a place to roost and just aren't making home.
You can try leaving food or treats and water near the edge of the woods. You can also try leaving a light, flashlight, lantern, etc at the door of the coop. If they see the light at dusk or after dark they may come back. A predator of some kind is a high possibility though. Does anyone near you have chickens? If they heard them or saw them, they might have gone there.
Thank you. Yes we have quite a few neighbors with chickens but no one saw them:-( I will try to leave some treats out as well. Thank you!
Has anyone had their chickens go on an adventure and come back several days later? Do they get lost? We have driven the neighborhood and no sign of feathers anywhere so I am praying that mean they may still be alive but lost? Has anyone ever had them come back after missing a few days?
Only when gone broody on a hidden nest, they returned mid day to feed.
I have two very sweet chickens that have become a part of the family and they have not come back to the coop for two nights. One Easter Egger and one Cinnamon Queen. We let them free range when we are out doing yard work so we can keep an eye on them in case of hawks and they always stay around and come back to the coup at night. A hawk tried to get our Easter Egger last year and she was able to get away (I say this because there was a lot of feathers after that and we don't see feathers anywhere now.)
Has anyone had their chickens go on an adventure and come back several days later? Do they get lost? We have driven the neighborhood and no sign of feathers anywhere so I am praying that mean they may still be alive but lost? Has anyone ever had them come back after missing a few days? Any advice would be very much appreciated!
Welcome to BYC. Im so, so sorry this happened. :hugs

I have not had that happened, but then again, i have a very small flock and im frequently outside with the garden so its a tad easier to keep a watch on them all.

However, i have had them wander off quite far, some houses down to forage. They were there for a few hours and i ended up finding them and bringing them home.

Im not sure if its a predator what could have happened, but can you drive around the neighborhood and look around? I hope you find them!

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