My girls are slackers!


6 Years
Apr 3, 2014
Flourtown, PA
I've got 4 hens I raised from chicks, now all just over a year old. Two, my Welsummer, Olive, and my EE, Flossie, are laying 5-6 eggs each per week, but Mary, my Buff Orp, lays at most one egg per week, and Francis, my other EE has yet to lay a single egg. Mary at least will sit in the nest box and pretend to lay but Francis won't bother, altho' she will crouch (we call it the "do-me dance") and will eat the calcium I put out-- but no eggs. Definitely not hiding them anywhere as I am with them when they are out in the yard, and there is no place to hide a nest of eggs in their run or coop that I can't see. And nothing to indicate an egg eater as the eggs from the other 2 are plentiful. I'm thinking about adding to the flock in order to increase the egg supply, but I'd rather my slackers would just up their game!
Not really looking for advice as I know this can happen, just wanted to whine a little bit! Hope you're all having a good day!
Thanks all. Yes, sometimes a little wine with that whine helps! Aart--have already done the butt check, and I definitely know who is and who is NOT laying! Francis shows all the signs that she should be laying but she's holding out. Good thing she is my prettiest hen--I'm keeping her around as eye candy! And Kikileigh02, even without a contribution from Frannie, my egg skelter looks quite nice!

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