My girls?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 12, 2014
New Jersey

Does anyone know what breed these might be? The woman I got them from said they were "mutts"...but I thought it might be helpful to know what kind of mutts they are. LOL.

Thanks in advance!!
The black and white ones are possible barred rocks, or Dominques. The lighter one is a Roo most likely. The middle white one may be a sultan...just a guess! Good luck :)
Correct me if I'm wrong but the one on the left seems to have some puffy chicks, if so she might be an Easter egger crossed with a barred rock, the middle one I agree it might be a sultan, And the one on the right seems to be a Barred rock crossed with something else, and it seems like it'll be a HE.
Also just my guess.
The barred ones are probably Barred Rock mixes, and the white one is probably a White Polish, or possibly Sultan, mix. The barred one on the right is most likely a cockerel, but the others look like pullets.

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