My goose always talks back to me, is this normal?


5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
Every time I speak to my female goose, she talks back. Do all geese respond when spoken to or is mine special?
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Mine is a chatterbox too. I refer to her as a she but don't know if that's accurate. The matches my tone and inflection. She also tries to play fetch with the dogs, and honks when they bark.
Geese imprint on humans, so its likely that if this is an adult goose you received, the goose imprinted on their original owner at birth.

Mine always talked to me, followed me everywhere squeaking and chattering... Turned into the loudest honking I have ever heard lol... They were Africans lol, VERY talkative ;)
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I have had her since she was a week old, and she was already imprinted to humans when I got her. It just cracks me up every time, I say "good morning" to her and she always talks back. Sometimes I just stand there saying "Hello Sopheap" over and over just to hear her talk. It's very funny. She is Chinese, so pretty noisy.
Mine are the exact same, every morning when we go and let them out they are always chattering to me and following around the farm when I go and do the morning chores. Daisy is our smallest and by far the cheekiest of the 5

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