My Guinea, Chicken


Jan 28, 2011
Easternshore of Maryland
I just wanted to post a pics of my French Guinea named Chicken. She is named Chicken because she thinks she is a chicken! She was raised with a group of little bantams and her best buddy is a little modern game bantam, they are just too funny together
I also wanted to know if it was normal for a guinea to be quieter being raised with chickens instead of other guineas? She only makes noise if there is something worth yelling about, crows flying over or a squirrel in the yard; otherwise she is a pretty quiet guinea. Also I say she, but not really sure just hopeful that it is a girl
Well as promised here is Chicken the guinea!

Chicken on guard

Chicken hanging out with her bantam buddy
Cute lil baby

If it is indeed a she... you should hear her buck-wheating, eventually. I see it still has feathers on it's head, so it's pretty young still. My females start at around 6 weeks, some can start as early as 4 weeks, and some may go a year without letting you know they are females, lol. Before 6 weeks old that they are all pretty quiet tho, so age plays a role in the noise factor, but since it is in with chickens and they don't sound the alarm, that Guinea may continue to be a pretty quiet bird. Males are pretty quiet, other than some peeping and of course the alarm call. You could try separating it for a little while (out of sight of the chickens, but within hearing distance) and if it is a female you should hear her buck-wheating to them.

That's very sweet. My guineas think they are chickens also. It helps that 3 of the 4 are girls. Boy guineas tend to be a bit more aggressive in my experience.

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