My hen is going to be sadly disappointed on day 21...


8 Years
Oct 27, 2011
Here is what I found under my broody yesterday.

We have oodles of lemon cucumbers left from the garden and I guess she decided that she wanted to attempt to hatch it! lol And she is determined! When we went to take the picture, she was hissing and growling at my husband like crazy. I think we will have to remove it or it is going to be nice a rotten by day 21. :- /

Ha Ha...silly hen...
You are going to laugh...well, your husband is going to get a kick out of it if he is a typical male. :- )

Buttless... lol...

She is a Black Copper Marans that we hatched out here, but somehow ended up with no tail. She has two feathers that stick straight down and since most BCM look about the same...well it was easiest to just refer to her as

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