My Hen is Walking Backwards

I cured a 3 week old chick with really bad crook neck (thanks to internet). Most people said to go ahead and kill it, nothing you can do. Then I read one advising to get a vitamin E liquid capsule, cut the end off and feed it to her. Words of warning: I think it's best to keep dipping her beak in the capsule until she has most of it eaten. When I got it on her beak, she would get it down. At first, I opened her beak and squished it into her mouth and that's when I had to find out about "tail bobbing" which means that I aspirated her. With all my bumbling (I'm new at this) Izzie survived into a pretty cream colored hen. Hope this help.
So I found this looking for an answer ... My easter egger has been walking backwards for about a month. Shes an older bird around 3yrs and in the process of finishing her molt. If my camera was connecting to my computer properly I would take a video. She ducks her head and then starts walking backwards. At first I thought it was because there was something on her face she was trying to get away from. But after a month it doesn't seem to be the cause. Other wise her head and neck are not crooked. 

From these links:

and if you scroll down a little on this link: , and then this article talks about a lot of vitamins and how they effect chickens

It seems to be a vitamin deficiency - which seems weird to me since they are on the layer feed, have access to the backyard almost all year, and are given healthy veggie treats. I guess I  figure that they would get the vitamins they needed. I am probably going to treat the whole flock (6 birds) as the electrolyte package that I have has both vitamin A and E in it. 


Could we have an update? I have a rooster doing this, at night only so he falls off the roost every night. We supplement their feed with corn and they have layer pellets and we give them veggie scraps, but guess it's not enough. Did the electrolytes help? I have a pack I may set out tomorrow for them if it did! Very sad this may have also happened to one of our silkies which we thought had mareks and was sent to greener pastures, but maybe didn't :(
Sorry for the delayed reply. The hen did eventually stop walking backwards. It was many weeks of this behavior - there was no obvious cure. I made sure she was well fed and watered and did electrolytes on and off for the whole flock. Other wise she just stopped doing it one day and got on with more normal chicken behavior.
Today was the first time I have ever seen my chicken walk backwards - she is molting very bad for the first time in 2 years and I am worried. What can I do?
Today was the first time I have ever seen my chicken walk backwards - she is molting very bad for the first time in 2 years and I am worried. What can I do?
Pick up some Poultry Nutri-Drench. I'm guessing she does not metabolize her vitamins as well as the rest of your flock. Her system is stressed right now, and this is why you are seeing an underlying weakness present it'self right now. You can give this to the entire flock in their water. If you use it, be sure to give them fresh water every day, as it can breed bacteria in water that sits out for more than 24 hours. What is her breed?
Sorry for the delayed reply. The hen did eventually stop walking backwards. It was many weeks of this behavior - there was no obvious cure. I made sure she was well fed and watered and did electrolytes on and off for the whole flock. Other wise she just stopped doing it one day and got on with more normal chicken behavior.

I had a hen do this too for no obvious reason. She continued to lay and seemed fine other than doing the moon dance :)
They are RIR (Rhode Island Reds) I did go to the Royal King and picked up some hanging treats, meal worms, vitamins for water, electrolyte, life-lytes mega tab vit/supplement for poultry. Maybe I am going overboard but I have 2 water bowls one with the vitamins and other plain. I have never seen her so bare (moulting) then right now and about 19 degrees tonight. I ordered her a apron cover but will take 2 days to get here. They have a coop with blankets on top of roof. What else can I do?
They are RIR (Rhode Island Reds) I did go to the Royal King and picked up some hanging treats, meal worms, vitamins for water, electrolyte, life-lytes mega tab vit/supplement for poultry. Maybe I am going overboard but I have 2 water bowls one with the vitamins and other plain. I have never seen her so bare (moulting) then right now and about 19 degrees tonight. I ordered her a apron cover but will take 2 days to get here. They have a coop with blankets on top of roof. What else can I do?

Scratch grains will give them carbohydrates to help them keep warm and higher protein food will help with the new growth of feathers. You can feed them a little calf manna or get feed with higher protein (chick starter and supplement with calcium or Feather Fixer from Nutrena).

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