My hens' blog!!


7 Years
Jun 3, 2012
Reading to my girls! :)
Alright, this is a lot like the others, just with my hens. I will try to write in almost every day. They are in order of pecking order!
Here they are!!

Midge: Hi! Mom says I have to write about what I do every day, so I made all the others do it to! Ha! Anyway, I'm Midge, a black/brown/white EE hen and the leader of the flock! I am not the biggest, but I am the bossiest! I think I might lay a green thing today, but Audrey's in my box right now!! NO NO NO!! I told her. MY BOX!!! But she said I would have to use another!! I think I will get Louise to go beat her up...

Louise: Hello. Midge told us that we have to write stuff every day, so here's mine. I am a black australorp hen with a comb as big as a rooster's! It's not even floppy!! Sometimes, I lay huge brown things in my box with 2 yellow things, but afterwards, my but really hurts... I am the biggest hen and I like to beat everyone else up, primarily Audrey because she is a rebel! I like to pull out her feathers! I do whatever Midge tells me because she is the boss!! There was a squirrel in our our house today and I was having fun chasing it but Mom shooed it out before I could grab it... too bad. I hope we get crunchy worm treats today!! ( crunchy worm treats are mealworms)

Henny: Hi! I am Henny and even though I am 3rd in the peck order, I boss my sister around! We are both barred rocks! Her name is Penny. I layed a brown thing today, and it was a circle! Yay! The other day, Penny was gone the entire day and I was sad.

But now she is back so I am happy! Yay! Today, I'm going to look for worms with Penny! I hope we find some!!

Penny: Hi there! I am Henny's sister, I am 6 minutes younger, so she gets to boss me around. Oh well. mom always calls me Perfect Penny because I am so pretty! But Midge says I am vain. I don't know what vain is. Maybe it is a cinnamon for beautiful! I don't like cinnamon. The other day, I left all day long. I was so scared cause Henny didn't come with me! I got a needle pricked under my wing, but it didn't hurt. Henny and I are going worm hunting today! Yay!!

Audrey: Hi, I am Audrey the EE hen. I am black and brown and right now my tail is really scruffy because Louise keeps yanking out my feathers! OUCH!! I think they pick on me because I am so pretty. I am in a box right now, making one of my blue things. I make a lot of blue things. Midge yelled at me because I'm in "her" box. It is not her box! I told her to find her own box. Ha! I think Akira and I will go exploring today! Maybe I will find a moth!! Yay!

Akira: Hi! I am Akira the white japanese bantam! I'm gonna lay a white thing!YAY!! Mommy always says I am the feisty one, but it's hard being the smallest! Mom thought my white thing was stuck yesterday, but it wasn't. I was just waiting for the right time! Audrey and I are going moth hunting today.YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya' tomorrow!!

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