my hens didnt lay today!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 10, 2011
hey guys. I was wondering if anyone could help me out im alittle confused. i have three dominickers that have been laying 2 or 3 eggs between them a day. well we had severe storms all night last night so yesterday i had moved their feed into their coop. Could either of these things cause them not to lay? im a newbie!!!
Not every hen lays every day. So it is possible that on any given day, no one lays. It seems to happen on Fridays here. It could have also been the storms... And I understand that chickens don't like changes either. So my guess is it ANY of these things! Sorry I can't provide a better answer, but I'm going to watch to see if you get one
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I guess friday is their day here aswell. I went out this morning and their was 2 eggs in a nest!! it seems like the same one is the only one laying because theyre always in the same nest .
I also note a slow down on egg production after a windy, stormy day. My birds don't care about rain, snow, sleet or hail, but add a ferocious wind to the mix and they get all stressed and egg production suffers. With only 3 hens you will get some days with no eggs just because it takes about 25 hours to produce each egg and there are only 24 hours in a day.

Good luck.
Most of my hens lay in 1 or 2 of the 12 nestboxes I have. Usually after the first egg of the day is laid, all of the others are laid in the same box. So I would think your eggs being in the same nestbox is normal. I have 9 hens and 12 nestboxes, but they all prefer to lay in the same one, they will sometimes even have a little fight over it
hope this helps....
need some help we are just starting out and my chickens are getting sick. they have a cold what can i use
need some help we are just starting out and my chickens are getting sick. they have a cold what can i use

Welcome to Byc. I am too new to help you but I would recommend starting a new post
Thanks so much for the comments !! I just wish i knew which hens were laying . I think that i have one that isnt.

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