My hen's egg broke inside her & her crop is huge, HELP Please!

Homogenous liquid feed only (solid coconut oil is the exception to this as it liquefies with body heat) and massage is my recommendation. With an impacted crop I would aim for massaging for 10-15 mins 4 x a day. There is no point in giving her more food if it is not clearing her crop... it just makes things worse. Be guided by her on the massage. Most hens with an impacted crop will enjoy a crop massage or at least find it beneficial. If she is not happy with it, then you are probably doing something wrong, like being too rough. I would put a good vitamin supplement in her water.

Unfortunately, since she appears to have a reproductive issue as well as a crop problem, it may be that there is a constriction of her lower gut that has backed things up in her crop. Sadly there is usually little hope in such cases unless you have a good avian vet who is prepared to do expensive surgery and you have the hundreds of dollars to pay for it.... with no guarantee of a good outcome. I know that sounds negative, but it is important to be aware of the facts before going down that route.

Hopefully the two occurring together are just coincidental and you will be able to clear the crop impaction with a little coconut oil and some massage. Azygous recommends getting the hen to eat small pieces of solid coconut oil or swiping small pieces into her beak for her to swallow. It has taken me as long as 10 days to massage an impaction clear.... providing the bird is able to process some water through their system and is still pooping there is still hope, but monitoring their body condition is important. If they get too skinny, their system will shut down. They will also benefit from a heat source if they are not able to process food as otherwise they use body stores to maintain their body functions including temperature, which eats up their muscle and you will feel them become skin and bone, even though they have a huge, heavy crop. It can even get to the stage where it tips them forward because they have no body weight or strength to counterbalance it.
I have a sweet EE who has had crop issues since six weeks old. Her crop never goes down, but some days are better than others. I massage her every day and she wears a crop bra when it’s particularly full. I also ferment her feed, add ACV to her water & occasionally give her plain Greek yogurt. She’s still with us 9 months later & seems happy and otherwise healthy. We did surgery once and had her crop flushed once, and it recurred both times. We’ve decided at this point to just manage with diet & massage and let the good Lord decide when enough is enough! Hope your girl is well soon!!!
I hope your girl can recover, but this isn't a good story. An avian veterinarian would be a good choice here, if possible.
Managing her crop as recommended above may be worth trying, and reproductive issues are often the cause of death in hens of any age, but especially as they get older.
Wish I could be more optimistic, but...
Homogenous liquid feed only (solid coconut oil is the exception to this as it liquefies with body heat) and massage is my recommendation. With an impacted crop I would aim for massaging for 10-15 mins 4 x a day. There is no point in giving her more food if it is not clearing her crop... it just makes things worse. Be guided by her on the massage. Most hens with an impacted crop will enjoy a crop massage or at least find it beneficial. If she is not happy with it, then you are probably doing something wrong, like being too rough. I would put a good vitamin supplement in her water.

Unfortunately, since she appears to have a reproductive issue as well as a crop problem, it may be that there is a constriction of her lower gut that has backed things up in her crop. Sadly there is usually little hope in such cases unless you have a good avian vet who is prepared to do expensive surgery and you have the hundreds of dollars to pay for it.... with no guarantee of a good outcome. I know that sounds negative, but it is important to be aware of the facts before going down that route.

Hopefully the two occurring together are just coincidental and you will be able to clear the crop impaction with a little coconut oil and some massage. Azygous recommends getting the hen to eat small pieces of solid coconut oil or swiping small pieces into her beak for her to swallow. It has taken me as long as 10 days to massage an impaction clear.... providing the bird is able to process some water through their system and is still pooping there is still hope, but monitoring their body condition is important. If they get too skinny, their system will shut down. They will also benefit from a heat source if they are not able to process food as otherwise they use body stores to maintain their body functions including temperature, which eats up their muscle and you will feel them become skin and bone, even though they have a huge, heavy crop. It can even get to the stage where it tips them forward because they have no body weight or strength to counterbalance it.
Thank you for your response. It sadness me. If she recovers, I would like her to stop laying but she is with other chickens that are young and very actively laying eggs. Is there a way that she can stop laying? Any ideas? She has had problems with laying good quality eggs for over a year and since she will be 4 years next month, I am ok with her stopping.
Thank you again
I hope your girl can recover, but this isn't a good story. An avian veterinarian would be a good choice here, if possible.
Managing her crop as recommended above may be worth trying, and reproductive issues are often the cause of death in hens of any age, but especially as they get older.
Wish I could be more optimistic, but...
=( it breaks my heart... thank you. I gave her soft food yesterday and she was happy. Her crop looked a bit smaller so I fed her just a little bit of soft food. I hope I did the right thing. She acted really hungry and she was "talking" to me as if she was mad that I had not feed her. It was cute I should admit.
I have a sweet EE who has had crop issues since six weeks old. Her crop never goes down, but some days are better than others. I massage her every day and she wears a crop bra when it’s particularly full. I also ferment her feed, add ACV to her water & occasionally give her plain Greek yogurt. She’s still with us 9 months later & seems happy and otherwise healthy. We did surgery once and had her crop flushed once, and it recurred both times. We’ve decided at this point to just manage with diet & massage and let the good Lord decide when enough is enough! Hope your girl is well soon!!!
Thank you so much! I gave her a little bit of yogurt last night but I have not given her ACV. I will try that. Thank you! Her crop seemed a bit better and she really wanted to eat. Thank you for the experience and suggestions.
Homogenous liquid feed only (solid coconut oil is the exception to this as it liquefies with body heat) and massage is my recommendation. With an impacted crop I would aim for massaging for 10-15 mins 4 x a day. There is no point in giving her more food if it is not clearing her crop... it just makes things worse. Be guided by her on the massage. Most hens with an impacted crop will enjoy a crop massage or at least find it beneficial. If she is not happy with it, then you are probably doing something wrong, like being too rough. I would put a good vitamin supplement in her water.

Unfortunately, since she appears to have a reproductive issue as well as a crop problem, it may be that there is a constriction of her lower gut that has backed things up in her crop. Sadly there is usually little hope in such cases unless you have a good avian vet who is prepared to do expensive surgery and you have the hundreds of dollars to pay for it.... with no guarantee of a good outcome. I know that sounds negative, but it is important to be aware of the facts before going down that route.

Hopefully the two occurring together are just coincidental and you will be able to clear the crop impaction with a little coconut oil and some massage. Azygous recommends getting the hen to eat small pieces of solid coconut oil or swiping small pieces into her beak for her to swallow. It has taken me as long as 10 days to massage an impaction clear.... providing the bird is able to process some water through their system and is still pooping there is still hope, but monitoring their body condition is important. If they get too skinny, their system will shut down. They will also benefit from a heat source if they are not able to process food as otherwise they use body stores to maintain their body functions including temperature, which eats up their muscle and you will feel them become skin and bone, even though they have a huge, heavy crop. It can even get to the stage where it tips them forward because they have no body weight or strength to counterbalance it.
Thank you for the suggestions. I will give her coconut oil and I have massaged her crop. Unfortunately, I cannot do it 4 times a day. I can do it in the morning before going to work and then when I return. She seemed in better spirits yesterday and you can tell that she was hungry. I think that's a good sign. I gave her a little bit of soft food with a bit of yogurt and she ate most of it. Her vent looked clear and I think I would still like to keep her for another day or 2 inside the house to continue keeping an eye on her. If she would need to take longer, then so be it. I am just concerned that when she goes back to the coop, the other ones will not recognize her if I keep her longer indoors. Her crop looked better last night and I noticed some poops. Not as many as I would like, but at least she went to the bathroom and I was happy about that. I would really want her to stop laying eggs but she is sharing the coop with younger hens that are 8 months old and laying. I have them all with the layer feed. Any suggestions as to how can I make her stop laying? Thank you =)
I think @azygous has had good luck using coconut oil to treat impacted/distended crops. As for the laying issue, if the shell was soft, there should not be a problem with shell retention, this time. It sounds like she's at the end of her laying days, and she's more likely to be having repeat problems. You might try giving her a good multi vitamin, since Calcium is not the entire end of the story when it comes to shell quality. You should also make sure your flock has access to insoluble grit.
Thank you. What time of multi vitamin would you give her? I would like to also know for the rest of the flock. Thanks again =)

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