My Hero Super Chewie


5 Years
Feb 17, 2018
Mid Missouri
Couple weeks ago because I had recently moved my house babies out to my coop, I went out at sunrise to check on them. Because I was going to be out there I went ahead and let all the girls out. We usually hold off till 8:30 which we have found drastically reduces predation. So while visiting my littles I hear the alarm go up from the flock and hustled out of the coop and just in time to see a coyote with my Roo Chewie in his mouth just as I yell at the yote my roo gets loose in a cloud of feathers and books it to me and the coop. I had a small pocket pistol on me so I assisted the yote on his way and went to check on my roo. He was in the coop and up on the roost a huffing and puffing. I gently gather him up and take him in to my wife for detailed examination, grab a rifle and head out to see the damages because I know my roo is faster than most of the girls. All I found was my roos feathers I could be wrong but I sincerely beleive he was actively protecting the flock or there would have been a few dead girls or at least snatched feathers. .So he has been renamed Super Chewie and I praise him every chance I get. After his detaled look over a chance to rest and some vitamin water to help with his stress he was good to go there was a little ktorn skin that looks like it tore when the buynch of feathers tore out slathered it with thge blue stuff. He was good to go.
As a funny aside to that that after noon he was struttin around with several of the girls right where that puff of feathers landed when he got loose. You could just about hear him "And this right here is where I kicked his butt girls. whupped him so good he took off arunnin and didn't even look back" Will laugh over that for years to come.
He has always been a good roo. Not mean to new birds. like the other day my 2 house raised babies are trying to integrate. they each got a little halfway kinda peck and a little dance then he let them be and hung around to make the rest of the girls leave them be. He is not overly rough with the girls. He always has a sharp eye out and tells em when Im coming or when there is a threat. He is great with people even my grand daughters who like to pack him around. And he is one of my original 8 Bantam babies so I might be a little prejudiced.
he is a silkie don't think it is called splash he is more of a chewbacca brown with some dark grey mixed in. I will get pics when this dag blasted rain lets up long enough to get good outside pics.

He looks so bedraggled with most of his tail feathers gone.
That was my sweetie pie she was an absolute sweetheart who loved to fix my feathers and sing with me. For some reason she was ill slow lethargic one morning and died within a couple hours of symptoms. I still have no idea what killed her. It was heartbreaking though. It was just a couple days after posting that avatar.
She was a home hatched in the bator baby of my girl sunshine and a roo whos name is not fit for this site. Trust me though he earned that name. I still have sunshine and babies I hand raised over the winter are hers as well. But the daddy of the pullet is my aparently sneaky mil fluer Duccle roo mileficient. She is my baby though even if the poor girl did get momas fluffy undercarriage and daddy's short legs. my baby roo is Sweetie pies dad and sunshines so I'm hoping to breed him for more red cochiins Love the super sweet demeanor of red cochin girls. Although they all seem narcoleptic.
here is a pic of Super Chewie from about a year ago. for some reason I can't get my new buttless pics of him to load. so until I fugure that out here is a picture of hium in full dress.

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