My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

Who knows, maybe one of those super soaker type toy water guns could work if used consistently. It might at least be worth a try, if you know a kid who could lend you one.
haha those are pib to reload. An idea - you can try a high PSI pressure washer. Those can shoot out high pressure jets several stories high!
Hey scratch’n’peck many thanks for the links, I will check them out later.

The Crow in the nest box ran down the ramp, through the run and out the open door; he knew exactly where to go.

I have not seen any nests and I think I mentioned previously that it is illegal for us to interfere with their nests in any way. My not allowing them to roost in my trees at night seems to have done the trick in that they now sleep in the tree about 5 houses down [sorry neighbours] but still come back to our yard during the day. Hopefully not allowing them to roost has also convinced them not to nest here.

Numbers have been tolerable of late but I still have to keep a close eye out when the girls are on free range and the coop becomes accessible.

Thank you also brucvl, throwing rocks is a bit tricky because we are surrounded by houses and I do not want to hurt the Crows just try and convince them that my garden is not their playground.

I do have a couple of allies in that a pair of birds I am yet to identify appear to recently have taken up residence in our Mango Tree and have been chasing the Crows away .. YES!

Bluema thanks going your way also but yep, no BB’s allowed.

I do have a super soaker pistol which works quite well

I guess the problem is that even though I chase them away, they are opportunistic enough to keep an eye out and know when the coop and run are accessible [free range time] and that is when I have to be extra vigilant in convincing them that the free feed is not worth the agro of the crazy lady with a broom in one hand and water pistol in the other.

As I type, they are currently cawing up a storm at the previously mentioned neighbours .. once again, sorry neighbours .. lol
I also use motion sensor water spraying scarecrow when I want to deter robbins from stealing my strawberries and blueberries.

But you'd have to point something like that towards the sky so that you don't spray chickens near the feed.
Since crows are amazing observational learners, I don't envy your dilemma.
I'd at least place the feed out of plain sight, to not attract more birds.
I find bluejays noisy around here but they're beautiful and comes/goes on their own periodically.
I have not seen any nests and I think I mentioned previously that it is illegal for us to interfere with their nests in any way. My not allowing them to roost in my trees at night seems to have done the trick in that they now sleep in the tree about 5 houses down [sorry neighbours] but still come back to our yard during the day. Hopefully not allowing them to roost has also convinced them not to nest here.

Numbers have been tolerable of late but I still have to keep a close eye out when the girls are on free range and the coop becomes accessible.
I think your consistency in making sure they didn't roost over night at least prevented a worse problem. Too bad the crows wake up so early, and start making a ruckus around the neighborhood.
So, I thought it was time to update this thread.

I am down to one persistent Crow ... I can hear them in the neighbourhood but only one is game enough to venture into our back yard.

Apparently, crazy lady with large water pistol in one hand and broom or garden hoe in the other is far more effective than CD's. Also, being picked on by smaller birds in the trees does not appear to be their cup of tea either

As free range is always supervised, I am able to keep an eye on this one determined evil black butted b*^%$d and as soon as he realises I have spotted him, he takes off

I was watering the garden yesterday and looked up into the mango tree to see him looking down at me; I pointed the hose in his general direction and he scampered across the branches to the edge of the tree and flew off.

I may just have won the war with the only casualties being a couple of eggs
So, I thought it was time to update this thread.

I am down to one persistent Crow ... I can hear them in the neighbourhood but only one is game enough to venture into our back yard. 

Apparently, crazy lady with large water pistol in one hand and broom or garden hoe in the other is far more effective than CD's.  Also, being picked on by smaller birds in the trees does not appear to be their cup of tea either ;)  

As free range is always supervised, I am able to keep an eye on this one determined evil black butted b*^%$d and as soon as he realises I have spotted him, he takes off :)

I was watering the garden yesterday and looked up into the mango tree to see him looking down at me; I pointed the hose in his general direction and he scampered across the branches to the edge of the tree and flew off.

I may just have won the war with the only casualties being a couple of eggs ;)  

I'd be careful about saying you won the war just yet, you.may jinx it and they may just come back next year withan even bigger army! :p

But seriously though for now it's great they moved on :)
So, yep, it appears my celebrations have been premature and the war is not yet won. I have not mentioned the Crows lately because we have been sort of at a stalemate; they still visit on a daily basis and I still chase them off when I can. There have only been a couple and they have not been too noisy; until the last week.

The couple have turned into 4 or 5 again and they are back to waking me before the girls get a chance. Out of all their characteristics, it is that loud cawing that irks me the most.

Anyways, before the invasion of the Crows, when supervised free range was happening, any left over food was also popped outside the run, still in it’s container, so that the girls could chow down before bed time. Because this was an open invitation to the Crows, I stopped doing that and left the food in the run; if the girls wanted it, they knew where it was.

So, a couple of days ago one of the Crows marched straight into the run and started helping himself .. KiKi raised the alarm and Dusty sprang to action .. she raced into the run, cornered the Crow and beat the living daylights out of him. Hubby managed to get the Crow out, not because he felt sorry for it but did not want Dusty getting hurt as she is not much bigger than a Crow.

Sadly, it has not deterred him .. he has been back. I know it is him because he is missing a few feathers, limping and looks a bit under the weather

Yesterday they were trying to help themselves to the watermelon that was out for the girls.

They woke me at 05:15am and as I type there are three or four cawing up a storm .. have I mentioned I HATE Crows??? Lol

Right now I could quite happily shoot them!

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