My Homemade Eglu

According to rubbermaid they no longer make this item.
Awwww, thats the best little coop EVER. The round hole opening is very Hobbit-ish. Our hens lay their eggs in a salvaged cat playhouse with round openings. We provided soft fabric scraps and straw and autumn leaves (and their favorite boy's dirty old shirt) and the girls have a great time in there. They seem especially fond of the smelly old red shirt to cover themselves while they lay their egg. Also, we noticed they are very fond of the color red in general. My husband was shopping TIRELESSLY for exactly what you found from Rubbermaid but wound up having a real wooden shed built anyways, at huge expense. While I worked extra shifts to pay for that shed, the kids got lazy and neglected to collect eggs. Now we have 2 extra chicks to raise. Lucky, they are cute and we love them, too. If I were a beloved little hen, I would feel very well cared for in your little coop/house!
(Noticed the word for round product from the back end of a hen always converts on our computer to the word for a male chicken. 12 year old son suggested resubmitting our post with those two words substituted! Lets see how it reads this time!)

Awwww, thats the best little coop EVER. The round hole opening is very Hobbit-ish. Our hens lay their rooster in a salvaged cat playhouse with round openings. We provided soft fabric scraps and straw and autumn leaves (and their favorite boy's dirty old shirt) and the girls have a great time in there. They seem especially fond of the smelly old red shirt to cover themselves while they lay their rooster. Also, we noticed they are very fond of the color red in general. My husband was shopping TIRELESSLY for exactly what you found from Rubbermaid but wound up having a real wooden shed built anyways, at huge expense. While I worked extra shifts to pay for that shed, the kids got lazy and neglected to collect rooster. Now we have 2 extra chicks to raise. Lucky, they are cute and we love them, too. If I were a beloved little hen, I would feel very well cared for in your little coop/house!
Great idea ChickyDee!!! and thanks for sharing it and the pics

I am just wondering if you have a way of closing them in securely at night? Or are you counting on their pen as being protection. From what I expect around here with raccoons I would need a good closure. It sure beats all the fancy plans and building skills I would need for the other coops I like. and yes, does kind of satisfy that eglu envy

and um if anyone can tell me how I'm messing up with the smilies please do
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Hi there! I'm new here and just started looking around a few days ago. I am SO impressed with your ingenuity! Brilliant!

How did it work out for you? Did you get that clean-out tray made? If so, how?

I just put my Eglu together this afternoon, and I think it's going to be great; just wish it didn't cost so much!
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