My husband passed away working our our coop on Saturday, June 12, 2010

Oh how my heart breaks for you. Things will work out and you will heal with time. I lost my Dad when I was 12 so I know the hurt, lost and how am I going to make it without him feelings. I would for sure help and make my husband help as well if you lived closer. Lots of love, huggs and kisses to you coming from Missouri.
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How very sorry I am to hear of your husband's passing. He was a very talented designer. Just look at that coop!! Y ou will get it finished and it will look just as your husband intended to have it look for you. I hope your chickens give you peace.
God bless, Sally
First let me express how sorry I am and my sincerest condolences for your husband's passing and just want you to know you will always have support here from your fellow BYCers. I have not lost a spouse but I lost my brother 5 years ago and I can imagine what your going through. But your husband started on something grand and awe inspiring. I wish you the best of luck and the best of help and support in continuing and finishing what he has started. If I could afford a trip to Kentucky to do some screwing and nailing I would in a heartbeat. (I'm not good at cutting).
My sympathy for your terrible loss. This has to be the most beautiful coop I have seen! Your husband was quite the carpenter. I would suggest that you build a 2x4 framed wall where you want the partition, then cover it with whatever wire fencing you have. Just space the studs where you want the door to what size you need it. A light duty door can easily be built with the same timber or even 1x2's if it is braced properly. The framing on the inside of my coop sticks out slightly on the sides of the windows. I put hardware cloth (the smallest size openings) on the inside of the coop attached to this framework. My windows however, open from the outside like someone else suggested. The window that is already installed looks very nice. It probably has screens that come with it. Maybe the screens could be replaced with the wire? From the picture, it appears that most or all of the big frame work is done. Hopefully you can get some more help with the shell. As long as the building itself is predator proof at least you can get the girls out there and then chip away at the cosmetics. This is a terrific stucture and I hope it will bring you many happy memories. God bless you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. We live in La Grange, and would be happy to help if you have someone show us what to do
I am no carpenter, and am just getting my first chickens in years. This coop looks nicer than a lot of houses, so I wouldn't even know where to start. My coop will just be a little tractor pen with a laying box....nothing like yours. Feel free to contact me offline if you need encouragement, or are looking for someone to sell some eggs to
Our son has terrible allergies and we are looking for a way to raise our chickens soy free organic....not easy in kentucky, as you probably know. I have a 4yo who would be confident that he could finish your coop on his own LOL....not that you would want that
Again, please feel free to email me should you need anything. We are new to La Grange, so we don't really know anyone here yet to ask...except for the folks at our food co-op. A few of them have their own chickens.

Hugs, Anne
I am so very sorry for your loss! Make sure you take time to do something for yourself, really whatever you have to do--take a deep breath, and then do whatever makes you feel good about yourself...don't be afraid to cry to! Sometimes thats the only thing we can do when we lose someone that's dear to us. Your husband was building and AMAZING coop, I've seen some nice coops but this was in one of the coops that is the most AMAZING to me, it really took my breath away!!!! I'm sure you can get family, friends or people from a church and school to come help you finish your coop! You and your family are in every BYCer's thoughts and prayers!!!!!
I am soooo sorry for your loss. Maybe some of his friends or coworkers can help you finish the coop. I wish you the best of luck with your project. let us know how it turns out and post pics. It looks like it will be spectacular when it is finially finished.
Vicki, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. He had to be an amazing person to be building such and amazing coop for you and your chickens. It will most definitely be a monument to him and his skill!
Blessings from FL
I am so very sorry to hear about your sudden loss
. I hope someone will help you with the coop's completion.

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